
  • 网络KINDLEBERGER;Charles Kindleberger;Charles P. Kindleberger
  1. 金德尔伯格在瓦伊纳“贸易创造”和“贸易转移”的基础上提出了“投资转移”和“投资创造”,分析了区域一体化中FDI的静态效应。

    Based on Viner 's concept of " trade creation " and " trade diversion ", Kindleberger put forword " investment creation " and " investment diversion " to analyze the static effect of FDI in regional integration .

  2. 金德尔伯格并未声称建立了关于此类危机的严格理论,但他确实发现了一种模式。

    Kindleberger does not claim to have a rigorous theory of such crises , but he does discern a pattern .

  3. 金德尔伯格在一份表格中列出了30多起次类事件,从1720年的南海泡沫开始,到1987年纽约证交所(NewYorkStockExchange)的崩盘结束。

    He has a table listing more than 30 such events , starting with the South Sea bubble of 1720 and ending with the New York Stock Exchange crash of 1987 .

  4. 金德尔伯格的这个论点认为,国家集团(或者委员会)是无能的。

    The thesis assumes that groups of countries or committees are powerless .

  5. 如果金德尔伯格的分析是对的,那么我们全靠美国了。

    If the thesis is right , it is all down to America .

  6. 金德尔伯格的观点是,投机者不是单一、同类的群体:它们中有输家也有赢家。

    Kindleberger 's point was that speculators were not a single , homogeneous group : some won , some lost .

  7. 金德尔伯格提出,国家衰落的内因是大肆消费、储蓄减少、抗拒缴税、社会不平等、腐败、债务日增,以及金融在经济中的地位变得高于工业。

    Among the internal causes of decline he identified were increased consumption , decreased savings , resistance to taxation , inequality , corruption , mounting debt and finance becoming more dominant in the economy than industry .