
  1. 半固态金属加工技术研究现状与应用

    The overview of study and application of semi-solid metals processing technology

  2. 在半固态金属加工技术的基础上,提出伪半固态触变成形工艺。

    The thixoforming in pseudo-semi-solid state based on the semi-solid metal forming was proposed .

  3. 第19届日本国际模具暨金属加工技术展览会综述

    Summarization of the 19 ~ ( th ) Japan Die & Mold Manufacturing Technology Exhibiton

  4. 作为一种先进的金属加工技术,微塑性成形技术将在工业生产中发挥着非常重要的作用。

    As an advanced metal forming technology , micro-forming technology plays a very important role in industry production .

  5. 自从20世纪70年代初以来,半固态成形技术得到了迅速发展,被誉为21世纪前沿性金属加工技术。

    Semi-solid metal forming technology has been developed rapidly since the 1970s , it is regarded as the foreland metal process technology in 21 century .

  6. 液态模锻是借鉴压铸和模锻发展起来的金属加工技术,在金属特别是有色金属成形领域取得了广泛的应用。

    Liquid forging is a metal forming technology which developing from die casting and die forging , and has acquired wide application in metal forming domain , especially in light metal .

  7. 为了使化学镀这一金属加工技术更好地应用于木材行业,提高木材的利用率和使用价值。

    In order to improve the metal processing technique of effective utilization of wood resources , theoretical basis and current topics of electroless plating of wood are discussed in this review .

  8. 半固态金属加工技术被认为是21世纪最具有发展前途的近净成形技术之一,其关键环节是半固态浆料的制备。

    Semi-solid metal processing technology is regarded as one of the near-net shape forming technologies with wide application in the 21st century , and the preparation of semi-solid slurry is the key technique .

  9. 这对于利用化学镀镍这一金属加工技术对木材进行化学镀,对进一步研究木材与金属的复合以及开发功能性木质复合材料具有重要的实际意义。

    It has an important meaning on using electroless nickel plating on wood and it has practical significance to the further research on wood and metal composite and the development of functional wood composite material .

  10. 这种新技术是金属切削加工技术与静电冷却技术的有效结合,利用该技术代替传统的切削液,不仅减小了切削加工对环境的污染,也降低了生产成本。

    This new technology is to combine metal cutting technology and electrostatic technology .

  11. 金属爆炸加工技术的应用

    Application of New Technology on Metal Explosive Fabrication

  12. 试验表明:这种快速落刀装置可以满足金属切削加工技术研究的需要。

    The result of experiment indicates that the equipment can be used in the research on technique of metal cutting .

  13. 现代金属切削加工技术飞速发展,环保高效逐渐成为加工过程中的新趋势。

    Environmental protection and high efficiency gradually become the new trends as the continuous development of modern metal machining technology .

  14. 与此相应的是国外已经将这种金属加工新技术成功地应用于超薄规格、深冲带钢的生产中。

    At the same time , this new technology of processing steels has been successfully used in the production of ultra thin strip and deep drawable steels .

  15. 高速加工是近年来发展起来的一种先进的金属切削加工技术,由于它大大提高了切削效率和加工质量,故又称之为高性能加工。

    High speed machining is a newly developed machining method . Because of its relatively high efficiency and quality in cutting , it is also called high-performance cutting .

  16. 近年来,大量关于纳米晶、超细晶和亚微米晶的金属材料加工技术、晶粒组织和结构性能的研究受到了广泛的关注。

    Recent years , study on the processing technology , microstructure and properties of metal materials with nano-crystalline , ultra-fine grain and submicron crystalline is got much wide attention .

  17. 本文在简单介绍印制板孔金属化加工技术的基础上,对微波印制板孔金属化加工技术进行了较为详细的论述。

    The technology of the plating through hole of the printed circuit board was briefly introduced The plating through hole technology of the microwave printed circuit board were also illuminated .

  18. 现代旋压技术是广泛应用于航空、航天、军工等金属精密加工技术领域的一种先进塑性成形工艺,已成为小批量、多品种回转型薄壁壳体零件的重要加工方法。

    Modern spinning technology , an advanced plastic forming process widely used in aerospace and military industry , has become an important shaping method for flexible manufacturing of small-lot rotary thin shells .

  19. 指出高速及超高速切削是现代金属切削加工技术新的突破方向之一,具有发展前景广阔。

    The high-speed and super high-speed machining technology is one of the fields in which the modern metal cutting technology has to make breakthroughs and it will have a promising prospect for development .

  20. 半固态成形技术被认为是一种最具先进性的金属成形加工技术,其特点是易于近终成形、成形温度低、节约能源等。

    The semi-solid forming technology has been considered to be one of the most advanced metal forming technology , which is characterized by easy to near-net shape , low molding temperature , and energy conservation .

  21. 铝电磁连续铸轧是近年来我国领衔开发的一种铝金属加工新技术,是一项集多学科、新技术于一体的探索性研究课题。

    The technology of aluminum electromagnetic roll-casting which was developed by China in recent years is a new kind of technology of metallic materials processing . It is an exploratory research subject that integrates multidisciplinary and new technologies .

  22. 球形金属容器爆炸加工技术及其工业应用

    Explosion Working Techniques of Spherical Metal Vessels and Its Industrial Application

  23. 中国非金属矿深加工技术现状与发展趋势

    Non metallic Minerals Further Processing Technique in China : Present Situation

  24. 纳米粉体与非金属矿深加工技术研究

    Study on Nanometer Powder and Deep Processing Technology of Nonmetal Ore

  25. 金属半固态加工技术的应用与进展

    Progress and Applications of Technology of Semi-solid Processing of Metals

  26. 金属塑性加工技术的发展与创新

    The Developments and New Ideas of Metal Forming Technology

  27. 金属半固态加工技术

    Semi - Solid Metal Process

  28. 电磁成形技术是一种新型的高能率金属塑性加工技术,具有较高的经济性和实用性。

    Electromagnetic forming ( EMF ) technology is a new type of metal plastic processing technology of high efficiency , whose characteristics make it more economical and practical .

  29. 多道次普通旋压是一种先进的金属塑性加工技术,在航空、航天、兵器等领域中得到了日益广泛的应用。

    Multi-pass conventional spinning , used as an advanced plastic forming technology , has been widely applied to many fields , such as Aeronautics , Astronautics and Weaponry , etc.

  30. 电磁约束成形是一种无容器金属材料处理加工技术,它具有无器壁污染、短流程等优点。

    Electromagnetic confinement and shaping for liquid metal is a material processing technique without mould ( or crucible ), which has advantages of no contamination and short cycle processing and .