
  • 网络Metal World
  1. 没有金属的世界是难以想象的。

    It 's hard to think of a world without metals .

  2. 金属是现代世界的支柱;人类了解金属已有数千年的历史了。

    Known to man for thousands of years , metals are the backbone of our modern world .

  3. 米德兰金属公司是世界上生产镀锌钢丝、丝产品的最大厂家之一。

    Midland Metals Corporation is one of the largest suppliers of galvanized steel wire , steel wire related products worldwide .

  4. 广西平果铝业公司具有先进工艺技术和装备水平,是我国有色金属行业走向世界的重要基地。

    Guangxi Pingguo Aluminum Company possesses advanced technology and equipment and is an important tase for China 's nonferrous metal industry to get into the world market .

  5. 它推动着能源工业,尤其是电池技术的发展,无愧于能源金属和推动世界前进的金属的称谓。

    Lithium plays a unique role in atomic energy industry , so called high energy metal , and it promotes the energy industry , especially the development of battery technology , and is worthy of the name : the power metal and the metal promoting the world forward .

  6. 中国稀有稀土金属企业要走向世界,要提高竞争力,应改善其不合理的股权结构,引入机构股和社会法人股。

    Under the situation of globalization of world market competition , it is necessary for these enterprises in China to improve share ownership structure further .

  7. 指出铂钯等稀贵金属已成为当今世界瞩目的金属。

    The authors point out that platinum ( Pt ) and palladium ( Pd ) and other rare and precious metals have become the metals attracting world-wide attention currently .

  8. 阿尔泰多金属矿带是世界上著名的铜-金-多金属成矿带,该带向东延伸至中国新疆北部阿尔泰地区,金、铜、多金属矿分布广泛。

    Cu - Au polymetallic ore belt in Altay area , in the northern Xinjiang of China is famous in the world . Cu - Au polymetallic ore deposits are widely spreaded .

  9. 这个纪录由射手丹•布朗于1987年创立,他用一个几乎已经没有弓的样子的可怕装置将细长的金属杆射出了世界纪录。

    This record was set in 1987 by archer Don Brown . Brown set his record by firing slender metal rods from a terrifying contraption that only vaguely resembled a traditional bow .

  10. 金属腐蚀每年给世界带来巨大损失,在金属表面涂装有机涂层是减缓金属腐蚀最简单有效的方法。

    There is a heavy loss of metal corrosion in the world each year , organic coating is the most simple and effective method to slow the corrosion of steel structure and prevent loss of coat integrity .

  11. 我们的现代文明是那样地依赖金属,我们很难想象没有金属,世界会是什么样。

    Our present civilization depends so much on the use of metals that we just can 't imagine what the world would be like without metals .

  12. 有色金属工业建立跨国公司是有色金属资源特点和世界有色金属生产的国际性特点决定的。

    The transnational corporation established by nonferrous metals industry is determined by the character of nonferrous resources and internationalization of world 's nonferrous metals production .

  13. 因为铝金属广泛应用于包装、建筑、航空等多个行业,所以这种金属堪称世界经济的一个晴雨表。

    The widespread use of aluminium for markets from packaging to construction to aerospace makes it a barometer for the world economy .