
  • 网络Battle of Kumsong
  1. 影片中的故事发生于1953年7月12日,是金城战役打响的第二天。

    The cinematic story is set on July 12 , 1953 , the second day after the outbreak of the Battle of Kumsong .

  2. 奔腾的金刚川深4米,其最宽处达60米,跨越于湍急河面上的一座简易工兵桥,是将志愿军大部队运往金城战役前线的唯一通道。

    Stretching across the torrent Kumgang River with its widest part reaching around 60 meters and as deep as four meters , the bridge was the only portal to transport thousands of Chinese soldiers and military vehicles to the battlefield of Kumsong .

  3. 据国防部官网上介绍,金城战役是抗美援朝战争的最后一次战役,此役历时15天,志愿军毙伤俘敌5.2万余人,有力地促进了朝鲜停战的实现。

    According to the Ministry of National Defense , the Battle of Kumsong - which lasted 15 days - was the last fight of the war . Chinese People 's Volunteers army killed , wounded and captured more than 52000 enemy troops , accelerating the signing of the armistice .