
  • 网络numerical value of a quantity
  1. 依据这些表达式和IBMTOKENRING的参考数据,绘制了对称环时延和通过量的数值例图,并简介了选择网络参数的方法。

    On the basis of the expressions and IBM TOKEN RING 'S reference data , numerical example graphs of the symmetry ring 's delay and throughput are drawn , and the method of selecting network parameters is introduced .

  2. 船舶浅水区域航行时下沉量的数值计算方法研究

    Research on Numerical Calculation Method of Ship Squat in Shallow Water

  3. 1999年渤海浮游植物生物量的数值模拟

    A Numerical Study of Phytoplankton Biomass in the Bohai Sea in 1999

  4. 发散冷却最小冷却介质注射量的数值研究

    A numerical investigation of the minimum coolant injection rate for transpiration cooling

  5. 旋转式压力能交换器密封端面液膜压力和泄漏量的数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation on Pressure Distribution and Face Leakage of Rotary Pressure Exchanger

  6. 某些物理量的数值应该规范化

    Some numeric value of physical quantity should be standardized

  7. 黄河农场地区地下水入海通量的数值分析

    Numerical analysis of groundwater discharge fluxes to Ocean from the Huanghe farm area

  8. 考虑摩擦生热时热油管道最小输量的数值解法

    Calculation of Minimized Mass Flow-rate of Crude Oil Pipeline Considering Friction Generated Heat

  9. 液化石油气自然气化量的数值模拟

    Digital Analogy of Vaporization Capacity of LPG

  10. 温度及轴向缩短量的数值模拟结果与实验测量结果符合较好。

    The calculated temperature and axial shortening are in good agreement with the experimental results .

  11. 本文根据1981~1990年全国发电量的数值,应用灰色预测模型进行详细计算。

    This paper presents calculations based on the data of national electric power output in 1981-1990 using Grey Forecast Model .

  12. 相反,如果一个信号量的数值为0(或小于零),进程就必须一直等待直到其他进程释放了这个信号量。

    If , instead , the semaphore 's value is0 ( or less ), the process must wait until somebody else releases the semaphore .

  13. 含端烯基类液晶冠醚的热力学研究及红外光谱旋转式压力能交换器密封端面液膜压力和泄漏量的数值模拟

    Thermodynamics and Infrared Spectroscopy Study of Liquid Crystal Crown Ether with Eng-vinyl Numerical Simulation on Pressure Distribution and Face Leakage of Rotary Pressure Exchanger

  14. 基建场地下伏采空区剩余沉降量的数值模拟矿区铁路下开采引发地基沉陷的数值分析

    Numerical Simulation of Residual Subsidence in an Underlying Mining Goaf Area of Capital Construction Site Numerical Analysis of Ground Settlement in Mining Areas Under the Railway

  15. 所以在这个复杂的混合物中,你仍然只需要知道两个量的数值,就能知道混合物的一切。

    So in this very complicated mixture here , you still only need to know a couple of things to tell you everything about this mixture .

  16. 90°弯管内稀疏气固两相流及固粒对壁面磨损量的数值研究百叶窗浓缩器内叶片及壁面磨损数值预测


  17. 为此,将土石坝地震动力响应分析和拟静力极限平衡分析相结合,提出了合理地估算坝坡上潜在滑坡体地震滑移量的数值计算方法。

    In this paper , a numerical procedure is proposed for evaluating the sliding movements of embankments based on the step-by-step dynamic response analysis and the pseudo-static limit-equilibrium analysis .

  18. 为了更直观和准确地显示整个铸件各部位在凝固过程中各时刻的三维标量场物理量的数值模拟结果,设计了一种称之为表面绘制的显示技术。

    A display technique of surface rendering was developed in order to display the numerical simulation results of 3 D scalar field physical quantity of the whole casting during solidification process visually and precisely .

  19. 根据国内、外山地太阳辐射研究进展,研究利用ARC/INFOAML开发出山地入射潜在太阳辐射模型,实现对地面所获得太阳辐射量的数值模拟。

    According to the development of mountainous solar radiation study in domestic and overseas , this paper simulate the solar radiation received on surface through the incoming potential solar radiation model developed by ARC / INFO AML .

  20. 结果表明,发现随着载荷的升高,最佳供油量的数值不断增大,表明油气润滑在不同的工况条件下要采用不同的最佳供油量进行工作,才能实现最佳的油气润滑效果。

    It is found that the optimum oil feeding increases with the load increase , which indicates that the oil-air lubrication can realize satisfactory result only when the rolling bearing is fed with optimum oil flow rate .

  21. 另外,对长系列计算下时间步长的取值、含沙量的数值耗散、大型矩阵的存储方法以及动边界处理也给出了具体方法。

    In addition , the numerical dissipation of sediment concentration , the storage method of large matrix , simultaneous check and adjustment of wet and dry status caused by the bed deformation were all studied and given the solutions .

  22. 在充分考虑淬火试件温度场、显微组织场和内应力场相互作用的情况下,建立了轴类淬火试件三种场量的数值计算模型。

    Under the full consideration on the interaction of the temperature field , the microstructure field and the internal stress field of a quenching test-piece , the numerical calculation models of the three kinds of fields of a shaft-type test-piece are set up .

  23. 该文结出了圆形基础在竖向荷载作用下,碎石桩复合地基最终沉降量的数值计算方法和计算程序,能够快速方便地计算地基中附加应力分布和地基沉降曲线。

    The paper presents the numerical computation method and the computer programme for the final settlement of gravel pile composite ground of a circular foundation under vertical load . This can speedily and conveniently compute the additional stress distribution in the ground and the curve of ground settlement .

  24. 梯度浓度标准质粒的荧光定量PCR结果显示,循环阈值(Ct)与起始模板量的对数值之间有着良好的线性关系。

    The results of real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR with the series of plasmid standards showed an ideal linear relationship between the logarithmic values of initial template concentration and cycle threshold values .

  25. 同时应用高、低阶KA计算了典型粗糙面的后向散射系数,并分别与测量值和矩量法的数值解进行了比较。

    For an actual manmade rough surface , the backscattering coefficient is calculated by moment of method , low-order and high-order Kirchhoff approach , respectively .

  26. 如果您正在寻找一种能精确表示如货币量这样的数值,则BigDecimal可以很好地胜任该任务。

    If you are looking to represent exact quantities such as monetary amounts , BigDecimal is well-suited to the task .

  27. TNF可以得到比EKF算法更好的精度,原因在于TNF利用数值积分方法直接计算某些量的精确数值结果,而不是采用线性近似,这就避免了由于线性近似引起的系统偏差。

    TNF can get higher accuracy than EKF and other modified KFs , because it can use numerical methods to get exact numerical results of a state vector , instead of doing a linear approximation as EKF does , it can avoid the system error caused by the linear approximations .

  28. 通过本文方法与一般矩量法的数值结果相比较,说明本文方法的快速性和一致性;

    Numerical results are in good concordance with the method of moments .

  29. 壁面喷流可控环量机翼的数值计算

    A numerical method for solving the circulation control airfoil with wall jet

  30. 冷库门在热压作用下冷量渗透的数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of Infiltration of Cold Capacity at Cold-Storage Door under Thermal Pressure