- 名quantum number

We may characterize an atomic state by a quantum number L.
Four characteristic features , the energy level , Lande g factor , quantum number J , and isotope shift , were used to describe each level .
Accurate Semi-Empirical Calculated Energies of Li-like Ions P ⅹⅲ - Ni ⅹⅹⅵ and the Regularity of the Quantum Defects
Over any time interval , the number of quanta devoted to the application should be no fewer than the specified utilization .
In addition the affect of the orthogonal projection to the triple differential cross section dies down with increasing the quantum number n.
Which are micro-cosmic quantum number of Gd2 + and Gd3 + ions .
B The repulsive term goes as some constant lower case b divided by R to the n.N is not the quantum number .
As the principle quantum number n is odd , there is no central peak and two splitted peaks exhibit for the Lyman line profile .
A high resolution study of the high-n Rydberg H atom scattering with helium was carried out using the H atom Rydberg tagging time-of-flight technique .
With the application of quanta general rule and ellipse equation , this paper concludes the relation between ellipse orbit and quantum number .
Particle-antiparticle Degrees of Freedom and Related Quantum Number for Dirac Particles
Furthermore , when the number of eigenstates N equals to the square root of quantum number n , the equally weighted wave packet minimizes the uncertainty relation .
Through the calculation of MR dependence of the total azimuthal quantum number , the main factors which confine and influence the values of MR are studied .
And that quantum number was n , n and we know that n could be equal to any integer value , so , 1,2,3 , all the way up to infinity .
So , it turns out that n is not the only quantum number needed to describe a wave function , however . There 's two more you can see come out of it .
Study on QSPR of the Average Valence Number and Average Principle Quantum Number
The Analytic Energies of the 2s Electrons for Isoelectronic Sequence Ions and the Regularity of the Quantum Defects
Properties of the system relate to three quantum numbers and parameters of Hartmann potential .
As hyperon has the strange quantum number , it can go deep into the interior of nuclei , thus it is the right probe to study the nuclear structure .
In this paper , the total atomic angular momentum quantum number J value and the Round factor value have been determined by using the Zeeman effect experiment result .
It has also been identified that the type of the radial-radial correlation is the " sudden transition " and the angular correlation is determined by the quantum number K ( in the ( K , T ) A scheme )
Our work not only supports ATC theory that Ka dependence for the broadenings of B-type transition is significant , but also reveals the disadvantages of the theory .
As examples , we have calculated the SU ( 3 ) and SU ( 4 ) monopoles in detail , and discuss some problems such as angular momenta and topological quantum numbers .
It is shown that the threshold energy for the first and second reactions , at the vibrational ground state of H , are 20 kcal · mol-1 and 65 kcal · mol-1 , respectively .
Finally , a general analysis of the spin quantum number of the spin wave states leads to the conclusion that it is impossible to excite the scattered modes with k0 ≠ 0 as well as the localized modes by the electromagnetic radiation .
This article introduces a new method of classifying elements into metal and nonmetal in the periodic table according to the ratio of the number ( m ) of valence electrons of various atoms to their principal quantum number ( n ) . ( m / n )
Based on the introduction of bonding parameters and quantum numbers , an approved atomic valence named δ ~ k_i is suggested , and a novel structural parameter K of the molecule is put forward .
The results reveal that the dispersions of the QC modes are quite obvious only when the free wave-number k_z in the z-direction and the azimuthal quantum number m are small .
But , as I said before that , we have some more quantum numbers , when you solve the Schrodinger equation for psi , these quantum numbers have to be defined .
Z So the main idea here is z effective is not z , so don 't try to plug one in for the other , they 're absolutely different quantities in any case when we 're not talking about a1 electron atom .