- 名quantum mechanics

[quantum mechanics] 现代物理学的理论基础之一。研究微观粒子(如电子、原子、分子等)运动规律及其性质的理论
Both quantum mechanics and chaos theory suggest a world constantly in flux .
In quantum mechanics itself there are many constructs that we cannot measure directly .
The Research of Transition from Classical Hamiltonian H to Quantum Mechanics Operator ■
The quantum mechanics calculations of the dielectronic recombination rate coefficients for He-Like Ti and Cr
It has brought about self-contradictions of quantum mechanics to define the state space of one-particle as Hilbert space .
Introduced small disturbance theory in quantum mechanism into SMI effects , and put forward the idea of replacing the light source of LED for the first time .
The attempt is made to stress the relativistic property ef de Broglie wave in quantum mechanics .
Fractal Cantor multi-layered medium is a kind of self-similar structure , with probably wide applications in optics and quantum mechanics .
Birkhoff proposed the concept of quantum logic in their monograph " the logic of quantum Mechanics ", and many relative papers have been published .
The resonant absorption effects and chaotic characters of the laser DNA molecule interaction are studied by quantum mechanics and nonlinear theory . The results may explain the effect of genetic mutagenesis of laser .
The Laser DNA interaction system motion equation was derived by means of quantum mechanics , and the problem of chaotic state of the system expressive the solution of this eq. was analysed in this peper .
There are two essential limits in the physics for quantum mechanics when it was founded . The Thermodynamic Analysis of a Quantum Ericsson Cycle Performance Discovery , Identification and Application of the Chemical Quantum Energy
The quantum dynamics non-locality emerged from the Aharonov-Bohm effect is discussed .
Quantum mechanical channel and quantum mutual entropy in the two-photon Jaynes-Cummings model with atomic motion
But most of the outcome of the large amount of experiments was consilient to Quantum Mechanics , only a very small part of the experiments was consilient to Bell inequality .
In view of AB effect , the objective reality is not the gauge invariance in matter itself , but the invariance of the same logic implication in matter itself .
Quantum Mechanical Calculation on the Ground State X ~ 1 Σ ~ + of LaH
Semi-Classical Approximation in Quantum Mechanics and Maslov Characteristic Classes
The Quantum Mechanical Calculation of The Ground State X3 ∑ - And Excited State 1 ∑ + for UO
The phase problem of classical physics and quantum mechanics are reviewed , then geometrical Berry 's phase and how to perform its teaching in quantum physics are discussed .
A simple scheme is presented to tackle the diagonalization of hamiltonian in non-orthonormal basis of quantum mechanics . Compared with the previous approaches , such as dual basis etc , it is easier to follow and more suitable for numerical calculation .
Based on the theory of quantum invariant and SU ( 1 , 1 ) Lie algebra from quantum mechanics , the paper discusses the quantum theory for two types of nonlinear and nonharmonic oscillator in detail .
A qualitative quantum-mechanical theoretic analysis of optical characteristic of In_xGa_1-xN / GaN MQWs based on square-well model was given .
Methods According to the linear superposition principle of quantum mechanics , the fifth kind of four-state superposition multi-mode superposition states light field |Ψ ~ (( 4 )) _ ( oe ) V 〉 _q is constructed with multi-mode imaginary-odd and even coherent states .
For the purpose of making abstract Hilbert spaces easily comprehensible , represents comparison between N-dimension vector space and quantum mechanics Hilbert space , from space composing and space variable calculation to space coordinate transformation and so on .
The present article , based on micro-action mechanism , discusses EPR experiments , Schrdinger theory and curvature explanation of Quantum Mechanism , in the hope of eliminating the deep contradictions existing between relativity and quantum mechanics .
The general expression formulas of scattering rate and the scattering ending of main scattering mechanisms in the SI GaAs photoconductive switch were summarized and compared , in terms of the quantum mechanics theory , the results of situation and analysis were provided .
The generalized beam quality factor M2 is given in this paper by using the deformed uncertainty relation in deformed quantum mechanics . And the equivalent beam quality factor of the small scale CO2 new beam laser is simply analyzed by means of M2 .
The analytic continuation of scattering amplitudes in the complex angular-momentum plane is introduced . The physical meaning of Regge poles and thier applications are discussed .
According to the analysis of the material characterization results , the quantum mechanical ab initio method has been applied to simulate the physical chemical adsorption of CO , CH_4 and O_2 on the surface of the SnC > 2 thin film .