
  • 网络Quantization Accuracy;quantization precision;quantizing precision
  1. 此外,在控制复杂度的基础上提出了一种提高量化精度的方法。

    In order to improve the quantization accuracy , a new approach is further proposed based on complexity control .

  2. 通过计算,找到了噪声大小与量化精度间的关系,并确定了该方法的适应范围。

    From the computation , the relation between the amount of noise and the quantization accuracy has been found and the applicable arrange of this method has been determined .

  3. 从波形显示所要求的幅度分辨率、插值显示和频谱分析对量化精度的要求等方面进行分析,确定ADC参数;

    The ADC parameters are selected according to the aspects of the required amplitude revolution to display signal , of the required quantify precision in inserting and spectrum analysis .

  4. 基于均匀颜色空间色度匹配系数量化精度分析

    Analysis of the Precision of Chroma Matching Coefficient Based on Uniform Color Space

  5. 点扩展函数与采样频率及量化精度对图像边缘的影响分析

    Analysis of PSF and image sampling frequency and quantization precision on edge location

  6. 提高时间参数量化精度的方法

    A Method for Precision Time Parameter Measurement

  7. 重复观测提高量化精度方法的研究

    Improving the Quantization Precision by Repeated Observation

  8. 量化精度对数字化接收机性能的影响

    Influence of Quantization Precision on Digital Receiver

  9. 数字图像处理中噪声源对量化精度影响的分析

    An Analysis on the Influence of the Noise Origin on the Quantification Precision of Digital Picture Treatment

  10. A/D转换器的分辨率决定着数据采集电路的量化精度。

    The quantization precision of data acquisition circuit is determined by the A / D 's resolution .

  11. 量化精度就是在各个采样点上的取值的近似范围,即精确程度。

    Quantization precision at each sampling point is the approximate value of the range , the degree of precision .

  12. 该拓扑结构具有对称性,消除负载不平衡对量化精度的影响;

    This topological structure is symmetrical and can remove the influence of load unbalance on the performance of PQ .

  13. 储层参数定量化精度的提高,显著提高了测井解释成功率。

    The advance of quantification precision of reservoir parameters , have improved greatly the succeed rate of log interpretation .

  14. 同时,还分析研究了量化精度对图像边缘的移位影响,给出了移位误差。

    Meanwhile , effect of quantization to edge excursion is analyzed and studied and the error of excursion is given .

  15. 讨论了译码量化精度、溢出处理和变量存储等问题。

    Discussing many problems about the precision of quantification of coding 、 the disposal of overflow and deposited variable and so on .

  16. 针对不同的球面纬度,对经度采用不同的量化精度,减少了描绘算子的维数,进一步减少了运算量和存储量。

    For different spherical latitude , longitude using different quantization step . It reduces the dimension of described operator and further the computation and storage . 3 .

  17. 如带宽,信噪比,数据包的丢失,量化精度,延时等都会降低网络化控制系统的性能,甚至导致其不稳定。

    Such as bandwidth constraints , signal-to-noise ratio , packet dropouts and quantization precision , time delays , will degrade the performance of NCSs or even cause instability .

  18. 该模型通过引入图像中心距和高通滤波图像中心距的线性组合,在保持评价结果良好全局性的同时提高了其局部量化精度。

    The linear combination of image absolute central moment and high pass image absolute central moment was introduced into this model to increase the precision of local quantization as well as keep nicer entireness in evaluation results .

  19. 采用步进电机驱动滑板移动可使该相移器实现相移,在移动中相移器保持较好的匹配性能,文中相移量化精度可为1°

    Second , the using of step motor to drive the inserting-fin can realize the phase shift . During the movement , this phase Shifter remains a good matching performance , and its phase shift precision realizable can be 1 °

  20. 根据现有光学实验条件,分析并计算了实验系统对滤波器的量化精度、尺寸大小的要求,通过仿真实验分析了滤波器尺寸对图像处理效果的影响,确定了光学滤波器的尺寸。

    According to the existing experiment conditions requirements on quantization and size of the optical filter were analyzed and calculated . Simulations were done to analyze the effect of filter size on image processing . At last the size of optical filter was finalized .

  21. 本文分析了用数字方法进行舰速补偿,并作了实验,结果表明:这种补偿对舰速、舷角、仰角、雷达工作频率、重复频率代码等的量化精度都提出了严格要求。

    This paper gives the analysis of a digital compensation method . The experimental results indicate that there are strict requirements for quantization accuracies of ship speed , nose angle , elevation angle , radar operating frequency and PRF , in performing this compensation .

  22. 深入研究伺服机构,特别是轻量化高精度伺服机构的强度计算方法和动力学特性的影响机理显得十分迫切。

    So it is very urgent that the strength design methods and the influence mechanism of dynamics of the high precision lightweighting servo mechanism are researched in depth .

  23. 实验表明,该技术能满足油管缺陷量化识别精度要求,应用前景广泛。

    Experiments show that this technology will find a wide application with its ability of being able to satisfy the accuracy requirements of quantitative recognitions for oil well tubing defects .

  24. 含噪信号量化对测量精度的影响

    Effects on Measuring Precision by Quantization of Signals and Associated Noises

  25. 轻量化,高精度成形已经成为21世纪材料加工成形的主题。

    Lightweight and high-precision forming has become the subject of materials forming in the 21st century .

  26. 海上透明云、薄云的存在,会在一定程度上影响利用卫星遥感进行定量化的水色(泥沙含量、叶绿素、海水透明度等)反演的精度,也会影响海温定量化产品的精度[1]。

    The existence of thin and transparent cloud over sea could influence the precision of digital sea-color and sea-surface-temperature retrieval products .

  27. 随着航空航天工业的高速发展,对零部件提出了轻量化、高精度、低消耗的要求。铝镁合金等轻质合金板料得到了广泛应用。

    With the high speed development of aerospace industry , the component requirements of lightweight , high-intensity , high-precision , high efficiency , low consumption were proposed , aluminum-magnesium alloy and other light-weight materials are widely applied .

  28. 由于激光诱导产生等离子体是一个非常复杂的过程,容易受激光能量,光谱仪的触发时间,周围环境,实验样品准备,样品的基体效应,数据采集方式等影响,继而影响其定量化分析的精度。

    It is easily influenced by many factors , such as laser energy , triggering time of spectrometer , environment , sample preparation , matrix effect of sample and data acquisition method . These factors will affect the accuracy of quantitative analysis .

  29. 通过对实验数据的分析表明,信号细分与脉冲细分法能够有效地减小量化误差,系统精度达到0.08〃,达到了预期的要求。

    Results show that the quantization error will be diminished effectively by signal subdivision and pulse subdivision methods with the accuracy better than 0.08 ″, which meets the expecting requirement .

  30. 本文深入地研究了气动窄缝扫描测量原理以及与之配套的气路、测头的特性,提出了测量模型,研究并量化了影响其精度的主要因素。

    This thesis deeply research pneumatic narrow slit scanning measurement and characteristic of mating air path and gauge head , then develop and quantize the main factor which affect its accuracy .