
yě huā
  • wild flower
野花 [yě huā]
  • [wild flower] 野生或不栽培植物的花;尤指一种野生或不栽培的植物

野花[yě huā]
  1. 这个地区有很多种类的野花。

    This region is the home of many species of wild flower .

  2. 一包野花籽

    a packet of wild flower seeds

  3. 空气中弥漫着野花的芬芳。

    The air was filled with the scent of wild flowers .

  4. 灌木树篱和草地中开满了五彩缤纷的野花。

    Hedgerows and meadows are thick with a tapestry of wild flowers .

  5. 尤其是在四五月份,不计其数的野花盛开,山谷里一片绚烂色彩。

    Millions of wild flowers colour the valleys , especially in April and May

  6. 我特别喜欢那里的野花。

    I became totally enamored of the wildflowers there

  7. 这场雨过后,野花会变得美不胜收。

    The wildflowers will be incredible after this rain

  8. 小路两边都是野花。

    The lane was lined with wild flowers .

  9. 美丽的蝴蝶在野花上方飞舞。

    Beautiful butterflies hovered above the wild flowers

  10. 达特河是一条令人心旷神怡的河,岸边到处开着野花。

    The Dart is a delightful river with a profusion of wild flowers along its banks

  11. 风吹来了青草和野花的清香。

    The winds came down with the scents of the grass and wild flowers .

  12. 野花遍地。

    The country is covered with wild flowers . ; Wild flowers blossom everywhere .

  13. 晨风吹来野花的清香。

    The morning breeze carried with it the scent of wild flowers .

  14. 从你的前门可以看到多少种野花?

    How many kinds of wildflowers can be seen from your front door ?

  15. 奶奶也爱护野花。

    Grandma also cared for the wild flowers .

  16. 然后他摘了一些野花放进去,使它更加美丽。

    Then he picked some wild flowers and put them into it , making it even more beautiful .

  17. 微风送来阵阵青草和野花的香气

    The winds came down with scents of the grass and wild flowers .

  18. 草地长满了野花。

    The meadow is peopled with wild flowers .

  19. 一些游客指出,如果想参观玫瑰园和野花草地必须额外支付6.5英镑,而且需要提前预约。

    A number noted you had to pay an extra £ 6.50 for a tour of the rose garden and wildflower meadow , and this needed to be arranged in advance .

  20. 橘黄色的小花从四周长出来,野花生长在墓地的任何地方,本都不是希奇的(补:但问题是,整个墓地,只有这个地方长着花)。

    Small , orange wildflowers were growing up around it . This might not have been so unusual except for the fact that they were the only flowers growing anywhere in the cemetery .

  21. 在他死的地方长出许多的野花,这种花被人们取名叫做Narcissus(水仙花)。

    Where he died a flower grew , and that flower is called a Narcissus .

  22. Coco喜欢吃野花。

    Coco preferred eating wild flowers .

  23. 野花生豆(Crotalariamucronata)凝集素的细胞表面受体的研究

    Study on cell surface receptor of the Crotalaria mucronata lectin

  24. 一粒沙子WilliamBlake/威廉.布莱克从一粒沙子看到一个世界,从一朵野花看到一个天堂,把握在你手心里的就是无限,永恒也就消融于一个时辰。

    A Grain of Sand To see a world in a grain of sand , And a heaven in a wild fllower , Hold infinity in the palm of your hand , And eternity in an hour .

  25. 野花草地(wildflowermeadow)是近年来兴起的一种新型草本花卉景观,由于其景观效果自然和低维护的特点,应用前景广阔。

    Wildflower meadow is a rising herbaceous flower application form in recent decades , the landscape of wildflower meadow is naturalistic and needs low-maintenance , so it has bright prospects .

  26. 牛把田里的野花踩坏了。

    The cattle trod down the wild flowers in the field .

  27. 野花华尔滋,绵羊溪华尔滋,小鹿挽歌。

    Wildflower waltz , sheep creek waltz , dead calf lament .

  28. 那天下午,我一直在田野里找寻野花。

    I spent that afternoon combing the fields for wild flowers .

  29. 世纪一个接着一个,你把一朵朵小的野花精制得无比完美。

    Thy centuries follow each other perfecting a small wild flower .

  30. 小溪两岸点缀着野花。

    Wild flowers are dotted on the banks of the stream .