
  • 网络wild tea;Camellia sinensis
  1. 本文所介绍各茶区茶质特色,多数以手工制作之栽培野生茶、野放茶为主。

    This paper will describe the characteristics of the tea from different zones , most of which are manual production of cultivated wild tea , or tea-based release .

  2. 中小叶种栽培野生茶特色:中小叶种以特殊香型著称,上颚香甜微蜜感、稍苦,舌面中后段带苦有甘韵。

    Lobular species in the wild tea cultivation characteristics : special flavor , honey-sweet in the upper flu , slightly bitter , some sweet in the posterior segment of the tongue .

  3. 大叶种栽培野生茶特色:香扬水柔,在香甜茶系列中最具特色茶品;

    The characteristics of cultivation of wild big tea leaf : strong aroma , light and clean tea liquor , the most unique one in the fragrant sweet series of tea goods ;

  4. 以福建地形和气候特点为基础,研究了我省野生茶资源的植被类型、自然分布规律及其形态特征、解剖学性状和适生条件与种性关系。

    This paper deals with the favourable conditions of survival , growing behaviour , and natural distribution of the wild tea in Fujian Province on the basis of topography and climate characteristics .

  5. 高效毛细管电泳法测定中药大黄及青海野生大黄茶中活性蒽醌类成分的含量

    Determination of active anthraquinones in Rheum and its tea preparations by micellar electrokinetic capillary electrophoresis

  6. 青海野生大黄茶润肠通便作用的实验观察

    Observations on the action of looseing the bowel to relieve constipation on the Qinghai wild rhubarb tea

  7. 目的观察青海野生大黄茶对小鼠的润肠通便作用。

    Objective : To observe the action of looseing the bowel to relieve constipation on qinghai wild rhubarb tea in mice .

  8. 至于菜式,从餐前嚼劲十足的酸面包配自制黄油和欧当归盐,到餐后的野生车叶草茶,都是明显的北欧风味。

    The food , too , was identifiably Nordic , from the chewy sourdough served with house-made butter and lovage salt that started the meal , to the foraged woodruff tea that ended it .

  9. 青海野生大黄茶营养成分分析

    Analysis on Nutrition Ingredient of Qinghai Wild Rhubarb-tea

  10. 结论:方法简单、快速、准确、重现性好,可用于大黄药材和青海野生大黄茶的质量控制。

    Conclusion : The method is proved to be simple , rapid and accurate , and can be used for the quality control of medicinal herb , Rheum , and its tea preparation .

  11. 根据民间的食用用途或食用方式方法,当地民间饮食用野生植物可分为野生蔬菜、调味品、野生水果、野生粮用、茶用植物等5种主要类型。

    According to folk processing methods and purposes , edible wild plants are classified as wild vegetables , condiments , wild fruits , wild grains and tea .