
  • 网络chongqing hot pot;hotpot;Chongqing hotpot
  1. 重庆火锅的主要特点是麻和辣。

    The chief characteristic of Chongqing hot pot is a numbing , spicy flavor .

  2. 如果你感冒了,那么强烈建议用重庆火锅治感冒。

    If you have a cold , Chongqing hot pot is highly recommended to cure it .

  3. 重庆火锅文化旅游开发的思考

    Thoughts About the Exploitation of Chongqing Chafing Dish Culture Tourism

  4. 为重庆火锅底料的卫生监督管理提供了法律依据。

    It also provided legal basis for the health supervision and management of base flavouring of Chongqing hot-pan .

  5. 在大蒜和红油的帮助下,重庆火锅可以帮你发汗,清洁你的鼻腔。

    With its garlic and oil remedy , Chongqing hot pot could make you sweaty and clean your sinuses .

  6. 然而,在服务标准与服务提供方面,重庆火锅连锁企业较竞争对手仍有很大差距。

    However , the service standards and service supply of Chongqing hot pot chain is still a big gap over its competitors .

  7. 因此,如何通过提高服务质量来提升企业竞争力成为了重庆火锅连锁企业的当务之急。

    Therefore , how to improve service quality to enhance the competitiveness of Chongqing hot pot chain has become a top problem .

  8. 企业的服务质量是在不断变化的,重庆火锅连锁企业需要定期对服务质量进行测评,以做到对服务质量水平的动态监控。

    Quality of service is changing . Chongqing hotpot chain requires regular evaluation of service quality in order to achieve dynamic control .

  9. 本文通过实证研究,对提出的假设模型进行了验证与修改,构建了重庆火锅连锁企业服务质量的评价模型,并验证了模型的有效性。

    The empirical study results show : the Chongqing hot pot chain service Quality evaluation model is created and modified , and the model is validated .

  10. 重庆火锅企业在提供美食和优质服务的同时,还应为顾客创造一个重庆火锅文化知识的体验环境。

    Chongqing hot pot enterprises provide food and service here , but also for the customer to create a culture of knowledge and experience of Chongqing hot pot environment .

  11. 当今重庆火锅遍布长城内外,大江南北、四海之内均可同享重庆火锅之口福。

    Chongqing hot pot all over the Great Wall today , both inside and outside , across and within the four seas can share the tasting of Chongqing hot pot .

  12. 将火锅这一饮食文化资源与旅游结合起来,开发重庆火锅文化旅游,对促进重庆旅游发展既是必要的,也是可行的。

    It is necessary and reasonable to help the Chongqing tourism forward to combine chafing dish , a kind of catering culture , with tourism , which will develop the unique chafing dish culture tourism in Chongqing .

  13. 不要被台式火锅底料的暗红色油汤所吓倒,这种汤不会像四川和重庆的火锅那样,让你的舌头麻痹,让你上蹿下跳。

    Don 't be fooled by the dark red color of the Taiwan-style soup : It won 't paralyze your tongue and make you jump up and down the way Sichuan and Chongqing hotpot can do .

  14. 重庆秦妈火锅主要经营香辣虾、炝锅鱼、香辣鱿鱼虾、清真涮羊肉锅、味道鲜美、价格低廉、环境优雅。

    Ma Qin , Chongqing hot pot main business spicy shrimp , Qiang pan fish , shrimp spicy squid , Muslim Shuan Yangrou pot , taste delicious , inexpensive and elegant environment .

  15. 目前是重庆连锁经营协会,重庆市火锅协会会员单位。

    Franchise Association is currently in Chongqing , Chongqing hot pot Association .

  16. 如果你哪天来到了重庆,那么一定要尝尝重庆的火锅。

    If you someday come to Chongqing , then you must to eat the hot pot .