
  • 网络chongqing university of arts and sciences;Institute Of Unity and Coherence In Writing Of Chongqing;CUAS
  1. 图书馆图书借阅统计分析对比&以重庆文理学院图书馆为例

    Statistical analysis and contrast on borrowing and reading books in library & Taking Library of Chongqing University of Arts and Sciences for example

  2. 科学发展观引领下的高校图书馆宣传工作&以重庆文理学院图书馆为例

    The Propaganda Work of University Library under Guiding of the Scientific Development View-by Example of Library in Chongqing University of Arts and Sciences

  3. NET开发工具,实现了一个重庆文理学院教师教学质量评估系统。

    NET is used as the development kit to realize the teacher teaching quality evaluation system of Chongqing Institute of Sciences and Arts .

  4. 基于信息素养培养的大学计算机基础教育改革&以重庆文理学院为例

    Reform of fundamental computer education in university based on information literacy training

  5. 浅谈学生社团参与高校图书馆宣传工作&以重庆文理学院图书馆为例

    On students association joining in the propaganda works of university library & Taking library of Chongqing University of Arts and Sciences as an example

  6. 顶岗支教实习促进大学生成长&重庆文理学院赴巫溪顶岗支教的实践和探索

    The practice of post-replacement to assist teaching promotes the growth of college students & Based on the experience of Chongqing University of Arts and Sciences

  7. 以重庆文理学院计算机学院为例.讨论研究在计算机应用技术专业中增设嵌入式方向专业。

    Takes Department of Computer Science of Chongqing University of Arts and Sciences as an example , discusses the addition of embedded direction to computer application technology professional .

  8. 高校网络思想政治教育机制创新初探&以重庆文理学院网络留言板为例

    Innovation for the Mechanism of Network-Based Ideological and Political Work in Colleges and Universities & A Case Study of the Network Message Board of Chongqing University of Arts and Sciences

  9. 摘要对重庆文理学院图书馆最近1年的“读者留言”内容进行了分类、统计,在此基础上对各类留言进行分析,提出了解决问题的对策。

    The paper classified and statistced the " readers notepad " in the past one year in our library , and analysed all kinds of notepads , explained the strategies of how to solve the problems .

  10. 基于教师语码转换的理论形态,通过课堂录音、实地观察、访谈、问卷调查等方法,调查了重庆文理学院专业英语教师的课堂语码转换情况。

    Based on the theory forms of English teachers ' code-switching , this paper surveys the current situation of English teachers ' classroom code-switching in Chongqing University of Arts and Sciences by means of classroom recordings , classroom observations , interviews and questionnaire surveys .