
An Empirical Study on Performance of Momentous Restructuring of Listed Companies
The conclusion as follows : MAR improve their performance significantly , which maintain a consistent to the financial index method .
On the Performance of Assets Restructuring of State-controlled Non-state-controlled Listed Companies Evidences from the Major Assets Restructuring in Chinese A-share Markets
However , their cash flow-based profitability , debt payment ability and operational management ability appear no significant improvement after MAR transactions .
This paper tries to reveal the impact of great reorganization of assets on company 's value in terms of market effect .
The independent directors of the listed company shall give independent opinions on the material assets reorganization based on their full understanding of the relevant information .
Pro forma financial information originated in developed capital markets abroad , mainly used for a major listed company reorganization of assets for investors to make decisions .
It relates to the pricing mechanism , the fairness and the interest allocation in pricing , which are the key success factors to major assets restructuring .
However , shares in the company will remain suspended until at least February 5 , a further statement said , adding that the company planned a " major asset restructuring . "
As the most important part of the material assets reorganization process , asset pricing is influencing the transaction process and the after trading market reaction , and asset pricing is the serious problem that both the traders and investors concerning about .
Implementing improper behaviors include the shareholders board , director board and boards of supervisors of listed companies controlling the companies , manipulating profit allocation , putting the influence on the refinancing and foreign investments and utilizing the important asset reforming to pursue their interests .