
zhònɡ xínɡ jī xiè
  • heavy machinery
  1. 若有必要,可以使用重型机械。

    If necessary , the heavy machinery can be brought into action .

  2. 在驾车或重型机械作业等需要高度警醒的工作中出现微睡眠状况是极度危险的。经历过微睡眠状况的人通常都对此毫不察觉,他们以为自己一直处于清醒状态,或者认为自己只是偶尔走神了。

    Microsleeps become extremely dangerous when they occur in situations which demand constant alertness , such as driving a motor vehicle or working with heavy machinery of them , instead believing themselves to have been awake the whole time , or to have temporarily lost focus .

  3. 尤其是中国加入WTO以来,众多国有企业特别是重型机械装备、电子电气类等大中型企业逐渐失去了国家的行业保护,面临着世界级企业的竞争。

    Since china has entered WTO . Many state enterprises are losing their protection and facing challenges from all over the world .

  4. 基于PDM的重型机械设计系统

    The heavy machinery design system based on PDM

  5. 介绍了为重型机械专门开发的焊接零部件工艺规划CAPP系统。

    In this paper , a CAPP system in process planning of welding parts and spares for heavy machine is introduced .

  6. KBE技术及在重型机械企业中的应用价值

    KBE technology and its ' valuable applications to heavy machinery enterprise

  7. 据NPR新闻的埃丽斯·胡报道,重型机械也即将撤离。

    And NPR 's Elise Hu says the heavy machinery is leaving .

  8. 本文论述了作者研究开发的重型机械零件CAPP智能开发工具&ZJCAPPDT,提出了基于标准构件的CAPP开发工具设计思想。

    This paper discusses ZJCAPPDT , a CAPP intellect developing tool for parts of heavy-duty machinery developed on the analysis of application CAPP systems .

  9. 本文介绍了严密精确的设计和几何造型方法,可用于大型铸锻件和重型机械的CAD和计算机辅助设计。

    This paper has described the rigorous methods of both design and geometric modeling , which can be used in the CAD for heavy casting and forging as well as heavy machinery .

  10. 核磁共振(MRI)扫描显示,堕入爱河所激活的只是大脑中非常微小的一部分区域,远比操作重型机械时所激活的要小得多。

    MRI scans have shown that falling in love involves only a very tiny part of the brain , a much smaller part than is used when , say , operating heavy machinery .

  11. 本文针对中国第一重型机械集团公司,给出了企业CIMS应用工程总体设计的实例,以供参考。

    ? Being aimed at China First Heavy Machinery Group Corporation , this paper introduces the general design for a project of enterprise CIMS , and an example is given for reference .

  12. 徐州重型机械厂生产的40m混凝土泵车,采用前伸缩后摆动式的支腿型式,利于在狭窄地方的施工。

    40m concrete pump truck from Xuzhou Heavy Machinery Plant adopts front telescopic and rear swing-out outriggers in order to operate in the confined area .

  13. 全球最大的重型机械制造商之一小松(komatsu)报告,其中国市场的单位销售量3月份同比下降28%。

    Komatsu , one of the biggest heavy machinery makers , saw Chinese unit sales fall 28 per cent year on year in March .

  14. 该研究成果在中信重型机械公司的1100mm双机架可逆式HC轧机轧制工艺参数设定中获得了应用,并取得很好的效果。

    This model was used in the project of the 1100 double stand reversible mill in CITIC Heavy Industries Co. , Ltd , the good results .

  15. 利用VRML、JAVA、组态软件等技术开发的大型、重型机械设备三维仿真控制一体化平台,具有真实性、交互性、先进性、经济性、安全性等特点。

    A new three-dimensional interactive platform that integrated the simulation with the control technology large and heavy duty equipment has been developed by means of VRML , JAVA and configuration software with the characteristic of authenticity , interaction , advantage , economical efficiency and security .

  16. 辽宁发电有限责任公司两台350MW机组的磨煤机采用上海重型机械厂生产的HP863型磨煤机。

    The limited liability company in Liaoning two350MW generating units of the mill produced by Shanghai Heavy Machinery HP863-type mill .

  17. CNET报道说,虽然他们准备充分,也非常清楚这个长约13英尺的管子的具体位置,但挖掘还是花了两个小时,过程中还用到了重型机械。

    CNET reports that in spite of their preparations and clear idea of where the 13-foot-long tube was , it still took them two hours to dig it up using heavy machinery .

  18. 与消费品市场不同,外国公司在中国的重型机械市场收获颇丰,比如卡特彼勒及其日本竞争对手小松(komatsu),它们的产品比中国本土同行的产品质量更好、价格更高。

    Unlike the consumer sector , the heavy machinery sector has largely rewarded foreign companies like Caterpillar and Japanese rival Komatsu that offer better quality at higher prices than their domestic peers .

  19. 以太原重型机械学院图书馆工程为例,对其外墙各类型主要GRC装饰构件的工艺流程、进场构件的检验标准及安装技术等内容作了介绍,并提出了施工中应注意的一些要点。

    Combined with the library work of Taiyuan Heavy Machinery Institute according to various exterior GRC decoration members their technological processes , test standards and installation techniques are introduced ; In addition , the matters needing attention in construction are proposed as well .

  20. 服用这些药期间不要操作任何重型机械。

    Do not operate any heavy machinery while taking these medicines .

  21. 物料单元化管理在重型机械制造车间的应用

    Application of Material Unit Management in the Heavy Machinery Manufacturing Plant

  22. 重型机械行业涂装技术现状及其发展方向

    State-of-art of coating technology and its development in heavy machinery trade

  23. 论重型机械设备的造型风格&重机造型研讨之二

    On the Style of Configuration of Heavy - duty Machinery

  24. 重型机械企业信息化中的物料编码解决方案

    Material coding solution in informatization construction of heavy machinery enterprises

  25. 重型机械少齿数齿轮的新设计

    New concept of gear with lesser number of teeth for heavy machinery

  26. 对重型机械毛坯精化方向的探讨

    An approach to direction of precision of rough parts for heavy machinery

  27. 振动时效技术在重型机械和大型焊接结构上的应用

    Application of vibrating aging technology in heavy machinery and large welded constructions

  28. 快速创建复杂重型机械结构有限元模型

    Fast finite element modeling of complex heavy duty mechanical structure

  29. 新型摩擦阻尼器在重型机械振动控制中的应用

    The application of a new friction damper to heavy machinery vibration control

  30. 重型机械行业网格体系结构及关键技术

    System architecture and key technologies of heavy mechanical industry grid