
lǐ jiā
  • Riga
里加[lǐ jiā]
  1. 委员会在首都里加召开了成立大会。

    The committee held its founding congress in the capital , Riga

  2. 两名男子试图劫持一架从里加飞往摩尔曼斯克的飞机。

    Two men tried to hijack a plane on a flight from Riga to Murmansk

  3. 你的咖啡里加不加奶?

    Do you want your coffee black or white ?

  4. 你茶里加奶吗?

    Do you take milk in your tea ?

  5. 他在她的牛奶里加了少量朗姆酒。

    He had laced her milk with rum .

  6. 我在馅饼里加了一块香草冰激凌。

    I added a dollop of vanilla ice-cream to the pie .

  7. 往面粉里加3大勺水揉成面团。

    Combine the flour with 3 tablespoons water to make a paste

  8. 她只在杜松子酒里加了少许苦艾酒。

    She added only a hint of vermouth to the gin

  9. 早餐我喝用水煮的麦片粥,还往里加葡萄干。

    For breakfast I have porridge made with water , to which I add raisins .

  10. 他往咖啡里加了很多糖。

    He liberally sweetened his coffee

  11. 她往油箱里加了些柴油而不是汽油,致使发动机发生故障。

    She put diesel fuel , instead of petrol , into the tank causing the motor to seize up .

  12. 别忘了往火堆里加木块。

    Don 't forget to cast more wood on the fire .

  13. 往面粉里加牛奶,再拌入3个鸡蛋。

    Add the milk to the flour , and then mix in three eggs .

  14. 今天,我的薪水袋里加了一张解雇通知书。

    I got a pink slip in my pay envelope nowadays .

  15. 他在盒子里加上了一层干净的纸。

    He lined the box with clean paper .

  16. 他在咖啡里加白兰地改变其香味。

    He qualified his coffee with cognac .

  17. 在调味汁里加一些奶油会使其营养更加丰富。

    Some cream will enrich the sauce .

  18. 汤姆在咖啡里加了一勺糖。

    Tom added a spoonful of sugar to the coffee .

  19. 我想在豆腐里加一点辣椒粉。

    I 'd like to add some pepper to the bean curd .

  20. 她往肉里加了一些肉豆蔻干皮。

    She put some mace into the meat .

  21. 如果你喜欢在早上的咖啡里加几茶匙糖,试着加更多牛奶,然后把糖减半。

    If you love a few teaspoons1 of sugar in your morning coffee , try adding more milk and cut the sugar in half to start .

  22. 还有一款新的榛子味植脂末,灵感来自星巴克的榛果拿铁,我打算一整个秋天都在咖啡里加这个。

    You can also find a new non-dairy Hazelnut Flavored Creamer , inspired by Starbucks ' Hazelnut Latte , which I will be adding to my coffee all autumn long .

  23. 在两杯热水里加四分之一C的小苏打,其洗发功效与洗发香波一样好。

    1 / 4 c baking soda and2 cups warm water will work just as good as a clarifying shampoo .

  24. 在煎锅里加少鸟鮿V油,用中火将鱼卷煎至金黄色;

    Heat olive oil , pan-fry the fish roll in medium heat until golden .

  25. 孟山都种子公司的MarkEdge说,这是因为公司在玉米里加了一种基因:

    The difference , according to Mark Edge with the Seed Company Monsanto , is a gene the company added to the corn plant .

  26. 离开之前,不妨在linkedin里加他们,写下他们的email地址。

    Before you leave , connect with all of them on LinkedIn and write down their email addresses .

  27. 当你在美国餐馆点咖啡时,服务生会问:“Regular?”(一般的吗?)这表示在咖啡里加牛奶或奶油;

    When you order coffee in an American restaurant , the waiter will often inquire , " Regular ? " This means with milk or cream in it .

  28. 若要在数据库里加一个“Spouse”字段,这意味着要扩展Person,使它能够引用Spouse对象。

    I want to add a field in the database for " Spouse ," which means extending Person to reference a Spouse object .

  29. 这一步在电脑里做起来比力简略,只要在PT或PS里加个新图层然后描就好了。

    This step is much easier on the computer-simply make a new layer in painter or photoshop , and just trace over your rough .

  30. 上周,信息安全大会(RSAConference)的组织者在其参展商规则里加了一条新规,实际上就是禁止“展台宝贝”入场。该组织将于下个月在旧金山举办一场信息安全展会。

    Last week , the organizers of the RSA Conference , an information security event that will take place in San Francisco next month , added a new clause to its exhibitor rules and regulations .