
  1. 构建规范的政府采购监控机制

    The Construction of Monitor and Control Mechanism on Public Purchasing

  2. 目的:强化医疗机构药品集中招标采购政府监控。

    OBJECTIVE : To intensify the governmental monitoring on drug bidding in medical institutions .

  3. 基于医院局域网建立医疗机构药品集中招标采购管理政府监控网络

    Hospital Local Area Network-based Governmental Monitoring Network for Drug Bidding in Medical In ˉ stitutions

  4. 美国在监控技术方面投入的国民预算迄今远远超过其他国家,但美国通常从本国的合同商那里采购大型定制监控系统。

    The US has by far the biggest national budget for surveillance technology but tends to buy large bespoke surveillance systems from US contractors .

  5. 物料采购的评估和监控没有持续进行。

    Feedstock order evaluating and monitoring do not continually implementing .

  6. 需要对传统技术和新技术进行技术经济评估,以便用合理的价格采购先进的微机监控装置,既可确保先进性,又达到控制工程造价的目的。

    It is necessary to carry out a better economical evaluation of traditional and new technologies for purchasing an advanced microprocessor-based monitoring appara-tus with reasonable price to ensure both the technical superiority and the project cost control .

  7. 负责采购合同和采购订单的状态监控,设备的现场检验,合同的催交和付款进度的更新。

    Responsible for status monitoring of purchasing contract and purchasing order , on site inspection for equipment , updating the payment status .