
  1. 采矿机械图纸集成化管理系统设计

    The Design of Integrated Management System on Mechanical Drawings of Mining

  2. 采矿机械故障严酷度模糊积分分析方法

    Analysis and Computation of Fuzzy Integration of Severity of Faults in Mining Mechanics

  3. 化学镀镍&磷液在采矿机械生产中的使用与维护

    The use and maintenance of Ni-P electroless plating solution in the mining machine production

  4. 地下采矿机械。工作面上的移动式采掘机械。截装机和开沟系统的安全性要求。

    Underground mining machines-Mobile extracting machines at the face-Safety requirements for shearer loaders and plough systems .

  5. DCH-2型井下运料车是我国第一台无轨采矿机械化辅助运输设备。它的研制成功,标志我国井下运输设备进入了一个新的发展阶段。

    DCH - 2 underground service vehicle , first developed successfully in China , as a trackless auxiliary transport machine for mining , indicates the underground transport equipment coming into a new stage .

  6. 工程钻探和掘进机械【采矿】机械浮选槽

    Engineering boring and drilling devices mechanical floatation cell

  7. 采矿与机械工程师协会

    Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers

  8. 介绍了焦家金矿先后试验应用的上向水平分层充填采矿法、机械化上向进路分层充填采矿法及机械化下向进路分层充填采矿法的工艺特点,并提出了几点改进意见。

    The technological characteristics of upward horizontal cut and fill stoping , mechanized upward drift cut and fill method and mechanized downward drift cut and fill method are introduced and a few points to improve them are put forward .