
cǎi fá
  • logging;cut;fell;felling
采伐 [cǎi fá]
  • [cut;fell] 砍伐采集树木的一项业务,伐倒、加工成原木,然后转运到锯木厂或销售的地方

采伐[cǎi fá]
  1. 大通森林采伐管理制度探讨

    Approach on Forest Fell Management System in Datong

  2. 在采伐作业设计和伐后验收的蓄积计算上应采用相同的计算方法或编制区域性根径一元材积表,以减少误差。

    In the fell task design and cumulation calculation , the same calculation method should be taken and a one way volume table with regionality should be workouted so as to reduce the errors .

  3. 从撒克逊时代起就开始采伐塞文山谷的这些树林获取木料。

    These Severn Valley woods have been exploited for timber since Saxon times .

  4. 他们清除了大片的森林以经营农耕、采伐与畜牧。

    They cleared large tracts of forest for farming , logging and ranching .

  5. 他从事采伐多年。

    He has been a lumberman for years .

  6. 这个国家的森林正受过度的采伐。

    The country has been prodigal of its forests .

  7. 不同经营方式对杉木林采伐迹地土壤C储量的影响

    Effects of Different Management Patterns on Soil Carbon Storage of the Deforested Lands in Chinese Fir Plantation

  8. 元素Ca、Mn、Na和有机C的含量在4个采伐迹地中没有显著差异;

    The concentration of Ca , Mn , Na , and organic C show no significant difference .

  9. 速效N含量在采伐和炼山后显著降低了,但是减少的量在整地后却又得到了补偿。

    Available N concentration decreased significantly after clear-cutting and residues burning , but the reduction was almost offset after site preparation .

  10. 加拿大BC省确定年允许采伐量的基本程序和方法

    Methods and Procedures of Allowable Annual Cut Determination in British Columbia

  11. 应用GM(1,1)包络灰平面对林木年采伐限额的控制

    Controlling Annual Cutting Norm of Forest Trees wlth GM ( 1 , 1 ) Enveloping Grey Surface

  12. 采伐剩余物在火烧过程中N损失率高达95%,P、K、Ca、Mg损失相对较少;

    The nitrogen loss rate of clearing residue during burning is above 95 % , and the loss rates of P , K , Ca and Mg are relatively lower .

  13. 此次收购将对APP形成有力推动,该公司目前拥有28.7万公顷林地的采伐许可权。

    The purchase would have been a significant boost for APP , which now has logging concessions over about 287,000 hectares of forest .

  14. 森林可持续利用的新方式&减少对环境影响的森林采伐(RIL)

    A New Manner of Sustainable Forest Utilization - Reduced Impact Logging to Environment ( RIL )

  15. 试验后3-9年,保留采伐剩余物越多,不同层次土壤有机C、全N、pH值、水解性N和速效K等土壤性质指标则越高。

    Three to 9 years after treatments , the more residue was retained , the higher the soil chemical properties ( organic C , total N , pH value , hydrolysis N and available K ) at different soil layers were .

  16. J-50集材拖拉机是林区采伐生产的主要设备之一。

    J-50 tractor is one of main haul equipment for logging production in the forest , area .

  17. 杉木造林选择地下水位在1.5m以下,排水良好的采伐更新迹地并采用灌浆栽植法效果较好。

    Effect of China fir afforestation is better with less 1.5 metre-underground water level , well drained stub land selected and filling cultivation method used .

  18. 通过比较不同生境蝗虫群落的相似性,并经聚类和PCA分析,可将松花湖库区5种生境划分为三大类型,分别为远湖区生境,包括采伐迹地和农田;

    By comparing the similarity of grasshoppers ' community in different habitat regions and clustering and PCA analyzing , the different habitat regions could be divided into 3 types : far off lake region including cutting blank and farmland region ;

  19. 森林景观恢复(FLR)是一个过程,旨在恢复采伐迹地或退化森林景观的生态完整性,提高人类福利。

    Forest landscape restoration ( FLR ) is a process that aims to regain ecological integrity and enhance human wellbeing in deforested or degraded forest landscapes .

  20. 本文根据四川长宁苦竹(Pleioblastusamarus)各器官生物量以及其主要营养元素含量和储量,研究了苦竹采伐的养分输出问题。

    In this paper the annual output amounts of main nutrient elements in different organs of Pleioblastus amarus are studied according to the distribution of its elements and biomass .

  21. 一方面可以吸收和固定大气中的CO2,表现为碳汇;另一方面森林的采伐、经营等营林措施又会使原先已固定的碳通过各种途径释放出来,表现为碳源。

    On the one hand , forest could absorb and fix atmospheric CO2 and presented as carbon sink ; On the other hand , with the felling and management of forestry measures it could make carbon which was fixed formerly released in various ways . It presented as carbon source .

  22. 5月份,ASRI组织开展了一个寻找守林人的项目。这些守林人与居民们一起合作设法防止非法采伐。

    In May ASRI started a program to identify forest " guardians . " These guardians work with the community to try to prevent illegal logging .

  23. 进入演替层的幼树以采伐带最多,达11500株/hm2,是保留带和对照林的2.1倍和3.6倍。

    The young trees in succession layer were most in cutting strip , 11 500 stems / hm2 , which were 2 . 1 times as much as that in reserving strip and 3 . 6 times as much as that in uncut stand .

  24. 经多年定位观测试验得出:杨树造林密度为2m×2m,采伐周期为5a生物量最高;

    The located observation experimentations addressed to these key technologies have been conducted for many years . The results showed that the biomass of poplar forest with density of 2 m × 2 m and cutting period of 5 a was the highest .

  25. 加倍采伐剩余物处理(BL3)的土壤指标最高,而全部清除采伐剩余物处理(BL0)的最低。

    The soil properties were highest in double slash treatment ( BL3 ) and lowest in no slash treatment ( BLo ) . 10 .

  26. Augustin(他的卡车在贝拉博进入木材采伐站)说,仅修路一项就可以使来往于采伐站的通行数量翻一番。

    According to Augustin , whose trucks access the logging station at Belabo , the single road rehabilitation will allow for double the number of trips to and from the station .

  27. 在给定初始条件后,模拟了自然演替和实行采伐控制的林分断面积、径阶、年龄和采伐收益200a的变化。

    Under the given initial conditions , the variation of stand section area , diameter size , age , and effect from cutting during 200 years were simulated under natural succession and dynamic cutting respectively .

  28. 文中在利用Richards函数对湿地松生长进行拟合和利用动态规划方法在计算机上直接模拟抚育间伐的基础上,初步确定了江西省丘陵区湿地松多效益经营模式林分的采伐技术。

    In this article , the cutting technology of the multi-benefit management pattern of the Pinus elliottii plantation in the hilly region of Jiangxi Province was established at the base of modeling its growth by use of Richards function and simulating its cutting using dynamic programming by computer .

  29. 当雨强1.98mm·min-1,降雨量108.8mm时,15°两侧森林坡面比其采伐坡面峰值流量削减5%,径流总量降低4%。

    When rain intensity was 1.98mm · min - 1 and rainfall was 108.8mm , the peak flow and the total runoff on both forested slopes of gradient 15 ° was 5 % and 4 % less than that on the cutting slopes , respectively .

  30. 进行了采伐和更新造林设计;

    The plans of harvest cutting and regeneration forestation were designed .