
  1. 分析了合成塔顶部密封面的腐蚀原因,确定了合理的焊接工艺,介绍了加工用设备及加工方法,阐述了加工表面的酸洗钝化处理。

    The reason for corrosion of the sealing surface of the synthetic tower is analyzed , the reasonable welding techniques is made , the processing equipment and method are introduced as well as the acid wash passivation treatment is illustrated in this article .

  2. 同时分析钢管内表面的腐蚀和污染过程,找到了脱脂、酸洗、钝化及干燥处理这一最有效的化学清洗工艺。

    At the same time we analyzed the eroded and polluted procedure of the wall of steel piping and found the most effective chemical rinsing technics of degreasing , pickling , passive and desiccation procedure .