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chóu chàng
  • write back and forth, esp. poems between friends;respond;respond (to a poem) with a poem
酬唱 [chóu chàng]
  • [respond (to a poem) with a poem] 用诗词互相赠答唱和

  • 积雪巷深酬唱夜,落花墙隔笑言时。--郑谷《酬右肖补阙张茂枢》

酬唱[chóu chàng]
  1. 第二章分析了邵雍诗歌的题材类型。主要有五类,即咏史诗、游历诗、酬唱诗、安乐诗和哲理诗。

    Chapter Two is a typographical classification of the poetic themes of Shao 's poems .

  2. 他们之间互有交往和酬唱,但是并不密切和频繁。

    Among themselves they had contacts and replying writing activities but not that close and frequent .

  3. 少鹤诗歌的内容主要表现在流连山水形胜、寄托乡思旅愁、酬唱应答等方面。

    His poetic content shows mainly on enjoyment of landscape , reposal of homesickness and loneliness and response for toast .

  4. 本文主要对《西昆酬唱集》的成书、诗作者、特点、价值与影响以及宋代文人对李商隐的接受等问题进行了较为深入的研究。

    This essay mainly studies the writing process , author , characteristics , value of the book Xikun Chouchangji and the reception of the contemporary poets to Li Shangyin in Song Dynasty .

  5. 在那里或是吟诗作画、宴客酬唱,或是养竹品石,修身养性,都离不开自然,是人与自然的和谐。

    In the villa , people painting , make poem , banquet or plant bamboo , appreciate stone , self-cultivation , those are connecting with nature , its very harmony between man and nature .

  6. 在此基础上,本文还对这一时期的重要时事、科举考试的状况、重要文学事件,以及作家的重要事迹及其交往酬唱等有代表性的资料,作系统的整理。

    On this basis , these texts also systematically arranged typical data including the important events of this period , the condition of the imperial examinations , the major experience and contact of the authors .

  7. 因此,同光体诗人群体被动成为那个时代一道独特的风景线,他们的诗歌创作、交往酬唱以及政治生涯便更多的寄寓特定文化际遇下特定的文化心态。

    Therefore , groups with the passive optical poets of that time a unique landscape , their poetry , sing and exchange political career will pay more under the specific fate of a particular culture ignited the cultural mentality .

  8. 建安时期是魏晋赠答诗走向繁荣的起点,这一时期士人在往来酬唱中抒发了强烈的友情意识和建功立业的渴望。

    The Jian ' an period was the beginning of the Wei , Jin Conversation Poems coming to prosperity , and the cultured people expressed a strong sense of friendship and desire to make contributions to this period between communications .

  9. 以夏言为代表的京官群体,追摹苏轼、辛弃疾等宋词名家,以酬唱赠答的形式掀起了创作词的高潮,并给词坛注入刚健豪放之风。

    This period has both summer and made to show to Beijing officials represented groups to pursue a copy of Su Shi , Song Ci ji and other family to each other remuneration in the form of singing off the cis Reciprocal Creation of high tide .

  10. 石刻诗歌的社会内容主要论述诗歌中所涉及的景点人文内涵中的民间故事、传说、历史、诗歌作者与佛道中人的交往酬唱及宗教、诗歌中所体现的作者的主体情感等。

    The part of the social content mainly discusses of the folk stories , legends , history , the poet contact , drinking and write poetry with the Monk and Taoist , and involved the religion , the main emotion reflect in the poetry and so on .