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jiǔ bǎo
  • bartender
酒保 [jiǔ bǎo]
  • [bartender] 酒店的侍者

  1. 肯恩走开挥舞酒保而且离开酒吧乱挤活动乔。

    Ken ves bartender off and hustles Joe out of the bar .

  2. 这位成功的商人念大学时曾当过酒保。n.酒吧

    The successful businessman used to work as a bartender while in college . pub

  3. 他喜欢安静地坐着查看自己的电话,或者如果想和人交谈的话,他会和一个他只记得名不记得姓的酒保聊两句。

    He likes that he can sit and check his phone in peace or chat up the barkeeper with whom he 's on a first-name basis if he wants to have a little interaction .

  4. 又歌了一回,再饮数杯酒,不觉沉醉,力不胜酒,便呼酒保计算了,取些银子算还,多的都赏了酒保。

    He intoned the verses to himself , then downed a few more cups of wine . He was very dunk . Song-Jiang asked for the bill , paid , and told the waiter to keep the change . (

  5. 因为酒保做了两份menu,只有一份里有爱尔兰咖啡,所以只有她才点得到。

    Because the bartender did two menus , only reach a there is the coffee of Ireland in , so only have her to just order to get .

  6. “这是个规律”,酒保KarenBrody说,“越垃圾的家伙越不停的追求美女。”

    It 's a rule , bartender Karen Brody says : The schlubbier the guy , the more likely he is to persistently pursue a pretty woman .

  7. 想向酒保处点两杯啤酒或在英国、爱尔兰、澳大利亚或新西兰希望有人得到安宁?确保你用你的食指和中指摆出V型,并且手掌向外。

    Trying to order two beers from the bartender or wish someone peace in the United Kingdom , Ireland , Australia , or New Zealand ? Make sure that when you have your index and middle fingers pointed up in the V shape , your palm is facing outward .

  8. Brody——Woodstown,N.J.的一个瘦弱的酒保,外表比她的实际年龄47岁年轻许多——回忆了她被一个大腹便便的、缺门牙的卡车司机“款待”的经历。

    Brody - a lithe , slender Woodstown , N.J. , bartender who looks at least a decade younger than her 47 years - recalls the time she was being " entertained " by a paunchy trucker with several missing front teeth .

  9. 在柏林,凯夫经常去克罗伊茨贝格的一家名叫利希科的酒吧,那里的兼职酒保布里克萨·巴格尔德是工业音乐先驱“倒塌的新建筑”(EinstürzendeNeubauten)乐队的主唱,凯夫敬佩他激进的反商业精神。

    In Berlin , Cave became a regular at a Kreuzberg bar called Risiko , whose sometime bartender , Blixa Bargeld , fronted the industrial-music pioneers Einst ü rzende Neubauten ( Collapsing New Buildings ) , whose militant anti-commercialism Cave admired .

  10. 酒保看着他说,我认识你。

    The bartender looks at him and says I know you .

  11. 酒保不让我开车

    Uh , the bartender ... wouldn 't let me drive .

  12. 我本是来应聘酒保的

    I was supposed to be interviewing for the bartender job ,

  13. 唐(酒保):怎么了,赫伯特?

    Don ( the bartender ): What 's wrong , Herbert ?

  14. 就是他哥哥枪杀酒保的酒吧。

    That 's the bar where his brother shot the bartender .

  15. 然后他才向酒保点另外两杯马丁尼。

    then he orders the bartender to prepare another double martini .

  16. bartender:酒保对,她上次和酒保混上了。

    Yeah . She made out with the bartender last time .

  17. 没问题的,酒保是我好朋友。

    No problem , the bartender 's a buddy of mine .

  18. 晚会开始前跟酒保打好关系。

    Befriend the bartender at the start of the evening .

  19. 这位男子问酒保谁是这只猴子的主人。

    The man asks the barman who owns the monkey .

  20. 酒保说马桶里经常有血。

    Busboy says he always finds blood in the toilets .

  21. 酒保,再来一杯威士忌加苏打,谢谢。

    Bartender , one more whisky and soda , please .

  22. 保罗:跟你的酒保朋友说我们很抱歉。

    Paul : Tell your bartender friend we 're sorry .

  23. 或许我跟太多酒保上过床了。

    Maybe I 've just siept with too many bartenders .

  24. 每次他都给酒保优厚的小费。

    Each time he gave the bartender a good tip .

  25. -我还没有喝到…-酒保

    I 'm not nearly drunk enough to - Bartender .

  26. 做我这行的是仅次于吧台酒保…

    Yeah well people in my profession are second only to barmen ...

  27. “什么事那么好笑?”酒保问道。

    " What 's so funny ?" the bartender asked .

  28. 正确的做法是请酒保喝一盅。

    The correct behaviour is to offer them a drink .

  29. 而是酒保在换班时的业余爱好

    It 's a hobby one has between bartending shifts .

  30. 小贴士:一定要和酒保搞好关系。

    Tip : Befriend the bartender at the start of the evening .