
  • 网络rights issue;A-share Rights Issue
  1. 汇丰(HSBC)最近的配股发行表明,某些银行也许能做到这一点。

    HSBC 's recent rights issue shows that some banks may be able to .

  2. 渣打银行(StandardChartered)计划进行30亿美元的配股发行,以增加这家新兴市场银行的资本储备,缓解投资者对其能否经受住严重经济衰退打击的担忧。

    Standard Chartered is planning a $ 3bn rights issue to boost the emerging markets bank 's capital reserves and ease investors ' concerns about its ability to weather a severe economic downturn .

  3. 渣打银行首席执行官冼博德(petersands)为配股发行进行了辩护,尽管他一再坚称该行资本金充足。

    Peter sands , StanChart chief executive , defended the move despite his repeated insistence the bank was well-capitalised .

  4. 保诚是英国最大的保险公司,该公司股东将于下月就210亿美元的配股发行进行投票&保诚需要通过配股,为收购AIG旗下亚洲业务友邦保险(AIA)筹集资金。

    Investors in Britain 's biggest insurer will vote next month on a $ 21bn rights issue that is needed to fund the Pru 's take-over of AIA , AIG 's Asian arm .

  5. 人们原本以为,这家英国金融服务集团将于周三公布配股发行的具体条款。此次发行将为保诚收购美国国际集团(AIG)旗下亚洲业务友邦保险提供资金。

    The UK-based financial services group was on Wednesday supposed to publish the detailed terms of the rights issue that would fund the acquisition of AIA , the Asian arm of AIG , the US insurer .

  6. 配股发行的细节将于本周宣布。

    The details of the rights issue will be announced this week .

  7. 这是有记录以来规模最大的配股发行之一。

    The offer is one of the largest rights issues on record .

  8. 力拓称,该公司可以从配股发行中募得100亿美元。

    Rio says it could have raised $ 10bn from a rights issue .

  9. 标准规模的100亿美元配股发行,将足以支付今年的账单。

    A bog-standard rights issue of $ 10bn would pay this year 's bills .

  10. 这家英国公司意外推迟了210亿美元的配股发行,并推后发布一季度中期的管理层声明。

    The UK company unexpectedly delayed its planned $ 21bn rights issue and interim management statement .

  11. 英国机构投资者对自己没得到参与配股发行的机会感到很愤怒。

    UK institutional investors are furious they were not offered the chance to participate in a rights issue .

  12. 如果这些条款不具有足够价值,他们必须转而要求力拓按照吉姆·棱的提议,进行一次配股发行。

    If they offer less value , they must instead demand the rights issue Mr Leng so wanted .

  13. 在香港上市有望鼓励一些亚洲投资者在保诚配股发行之前购买其股票。

    A Hong Kong listing could encourage some Asian investors to buy into the Pru ahead of its rights issue .

  14. 今年配股发行平均1美元要比12个月前多支付约50%的费用。

    Rights issues this year are paying around 50 per cent higher fees per dollar raised than 12 months ago .

  15. 进行一次配股发行,尽管有可能伤害艾尔巴尼斯的骄傲感,但终究不算是一个问题。

    Getting away a rights issue , while possibly painful to Mr Albanese 's pride , would not be a problem .

  16. 另一家股东说:我们对另一家公司来竞购力拓资产和通过配股发行进行融资都很感兴趣。

    Another said : There is interest in another bidder coming in for Rio assets and having a rights issue to fund .

  17. 然而,吉姆棱对和中铝的交易心存疑虑,提出配股发行才是最佳选择。

    However , Mr Leng had misgivings about the Chinalco deal and was arguing that a rights issue was the best option .

  18. 斯金纳和艾博年筹措现金时面临两种选择:大规模配股发行,或与中国铝业达成交易。

    Mr Skinner and Mr Albanese faced two options for raising cash : launch a massive rights issue or strike a deal with Chinalco .

  19. 但市场人气越见改善,力拓就越有余地探索配股发行和资产出售的组合方案。

    But the more sentiment improves , the more latitude the company has to explore some combination of a rights issue and asset sales .

  20. 与私人股本公司为期6个月的讨论于本月结束,贝恩资本同意通过可转换债券和配股发行进行投资。

    Six months of discussions with private equity firms ended this month when Bain agreed to invest through a convertible bond and a rights issue .

  21. 力拓股东提出,要解决力拓390亿美元净债务引发的财务问题,配股发行将是一个更好的办法。

    Shareholders are arguing that a rights issue would be a better way to solve the financial problems stemming from Rio 's $ 39bn net debt .

  22. 但越来越多的投资者质疑收购价,并对210亿美元配股发行的规模犹豫不决。

    But a growing number of investors questioned the price paid and balked at the size of the $ 21bn rights issue to finance the takeover .

  23. 配股发行之后,达能的负债率将降至1.7倍,而且可以使公司避免被迫贱卖非战略性业务。

    Its debt will fall to 1.7 times after the rights issue and should prevent the company from having to make firesale disposals of non-strategic businesses .

  24. 保诚上周公布的配股发行说明书中说,在收购友邦后,麦智信仍将担任总裁。

    The Pru said in the prospectus for its rights issue released last week that Mr Wilson would remain chief executive of AIA after the takeover .

  25. 你正看到2006年的增长步伐持续到了2007年,而且差不多每个领域都有交易活动,无论是配股发行还是可转换债券。

    You are seeing the pace of 2006 continuing into 2007 and you are seeing activity in more or less every sector , whether it is rights issues or convertibles .

  26. 监管者还在研究各种可行办法,为配股发行提供便利,以抑制在发行新股之前进行卖空操作的问题。在日本,企业很少进行配股。

    The regulator is also examining ways to facilitate rights issues , which are almost unheard of in Japan , to counter the problem of short selling ahead of new issues .

  27. 保诚在昨日公布的篇幅巨大的招股说明书中,披露了友邦保险所持的亚洲债券。此前,保诚在周一启动了210亿美元配股发行。

    The Asian bond holdings were revealed as part of the Pru 's mammoth prospectus , which was published yesterday following the launch of its $ 21bn rights issue on Monday .

  28. 除了支付分手费和配股发行费用外,力拓在2月至5月期间推进与中铝交易也会产生费用,只是尚未公布。

    In addition to paying the break fee and rights issue fees , Rio will have incurred costs , not yet released , of pursuing the Chinalco deal from February until May .

  29. 本次配股发行有望得到全额认购,将使渣打加入筹集新资金的欧洲银行之列,虽然该行之前一直坚称自己不需要这么做。

    The rights issue , which is expected to be fully underwritten , will make StanChart the latest European bank to raise fresh capital despite insisting that it had no need to do so .

  30. 这是自资本市场最近出现动荡以来,总部位于英国的金融机构首次进行配股发行。资本市场最近的动荡,已经使人们对银行从现有股东募集新资本的能力产生了怀疑。

    The offer is the first rights issue by a UK-based financial institution since the recent turmoil in the capital markets raised questions about the ability of banks to raise fresh capital from existing shareholders .