
  • 网络Registration;Image Registration;register;coregistration
  1. 实现图谱与脑MR图像的配准;

    Perform the atlas and the MR image registration ;

  2. 基于配准方法的颅脑CT图像病变信息自动提取算法

    Automatic Method of Pathological Information Extraction Based on Registration

  3. 基于非刚体配准的多分辨率B样条层间插值方法

    Nonrigid Registration Based on Multi-level B-spline Interpolation Approach

  4. 基于图像非线性配准的MRI几何失真校正

    Correction of Geometric Distortion in MRI Based on Non-linear Image Registration

  5. PET与MRI三维脑图像高精度配准

    High accuracy registration for three-dimensional brain images of PET and MRI

  6. 一种基于面特征的遥感影像与GIS数据配准方法

    A Matching Method of Remote Sensing Image and GIS Data Based on Area Feature

  7. GPS数据与地质图的配准

    Registration of GPS spatial data and geological map

  8. 采用GPS定位方法使样地位置和高光谱图像进行了精确配准。

    Plot location and hyperspectral image registration is accurately done by GPS position methods .

  9. 基于跨接约束的高分辨率SAR影像与光学影像配准

    Registration of High-resolution SAR Image and Optics Image Based on the Bridging-mode Constraint

  10. 提出了一种B样条插值函数结合图像特征标记的人脑MR图像非刚体配准方法。

    A hybrid non-rigid method is presented based on B-splines interpolation function and landmarks of the image for human brain MR images registration .

  11. 目的探索在PC平台上实现腹部CT及MRI图像非刚性融合配准,讨论其为临床提供新的诊断信息的应用价值。

    Purpose To provide new diagnose information for clinician by exploring the abdomen CT and MRI image nonrigid fusion technique .

  12. ADS与多雷达数据融合中的系统误差配准法

    ADS and multi-radar bias registration algorithm for ATC system

  13. 基于结构的SAR图像配准

    Structure-driven SAR Image Registration

  14. 研究了基于B样条和基于NURBS的形变配准算法,并给出详细的实验结果。

    We study the deformable registration algorithms based on B-spline and NURBS-based , and give a detailed experimental result .

  15. 为了实现多模态医学图像的配准融合,提出一种加快寻优的医学图像互信息配准算法实现CT和MR图像的配准。

    A new medical image mutual information registration method , which can speedup the optimized process is proposed for CT and MR medical image auto rigid Registration .

  16. 使用Hough变换配准陆地卫星多光谱图象

    Registration of Landsat MSS Images by Using Hough-like Transform

  17. INSAR数据处理的基线估计和影像自动概略配准

    Baseline Estimation and Image Coarse Registration for INSAR Data Processing

  18. 融合EEG和MRI是同时获得高时间分辨率和高空间分辨率的脑功能成像的有效方法.在融合中必需解决电极与MRI图像的配准。

    Registration of EEG to MRI is an effective way to obtain both high spatial and high temporal resolutions in functional brain imaging .

  19. 基于demons算法的非刚性配准的改进

    Implementation of non-rigid registration based on demons in condition of large parameters

  20. 使用Powell优化方法,寻找最佳的优化参数,实现图像的最佳配准。

    The best optimization parameters are obtained using the Powell optimization method .

  21. 本论文将介绍一种动态背景下运动目标的检测与跟踪系统。该系统的核心算法是基于快速傅立叶变换(FFT)的相位相关配准算法。

    The main algorithm named Phase-Related Matching algorithm based on Fast Fourier Transform is introduced and it has 5 steps .

  22. CT和MR1图象配准方法的研究及图象的信息融合

    Research on registration and fusion methods of CT and MRI image

  23. 在3D多模医学图像的配准方法中,最大互信息法精度高、鲁棒性强、使用范围广。

    Maximization of mutual information is a powerful criterion for 3D medical image registration , allowing robust and fully accurate automated rigid registration of multi-modal images in a various applications .

  24. 通过建筑物三维激光扫描数据的采集,对基于ICP算法的点云数据配准过程进行了详细地分析。

    Through point cloud data acquired from the building , the course of registration based ICP algorithm is provided .

  25. 提出一种通过将工业CT测量的离散点云数据与产品设计模型(STL格式)进行配准,获取误差信息的方法。

    A method is presented for matching the industrial CT measured discrete data with product design model in STL format to get error information .

  26. 基于Wigner滤波的配准图去噪应用研究

    Research of Image Noise Removing Based on Wigner Filtering

  27. 多源信息空间配准中的UT变换采样策略研究

    Research on Sampling Strategies of UT Transformation for Space Alignment of Distributed Multi-Sensor Information

  28. 再用ICP算法进行精细配准,采用最近邻分类器进行分类。

    And ICP algorithm is employed for fine registration . Finally , nearest neighbor classifier is adopted as the evaluation method .

  29. 在图像配准过程中,采用了三线性PV插值来避免图像变换所带来的灰度直方图计算困难的问题。

    Moreover , Trilinear Partial Volume Distribution Interpolation is took in order to avoid the difficulties of calculating gray because of image transformation .

  30. 经过比较,我们选取薄板样条的方法(Thin-plateSplines,TPS)来对图像和图谱进行非线性配准。

    We used Thin-plate Splines ( TPS ) in the nonlinear registration of images and atlas .