
  • 网络metolachlor;tours;Dole
  1. 结果表明:乙草胺、都尔为优良的选择性苗前土壤处理除草剂,施用量分别为2.50L/hm2和2.00L/hm2;

    Field was performed in 2001 . The results showed : Acetochlor and Metolachlor were selective excellent herbicides on the soil before seedling emerge . The dosage was 2.50L/hm 2 and 2.00L/hm 2 , respectively .

  2. 5mg·kg-1和100mg·kg-1处理的异丙甲草胺对供试土壤生态环境的影响和危害可能大于金都尔,但20mg·kg-1处理则表现出例外。

    And 100 mg · kg - 1 metolachlor might have more damage on soil ecosystem than different concentrations Dual Gold .

  3. 用50%敌草胺WP、96%金都尔、48%氟乐灵、50%除草通4种除草剂对烤烟苗床杂草进行除草试验。

    Four kind of weedkillers , napropamide WP 50 % , Dual Gold 96 % , Trifluralin 48 % and Nitrofen 50 % , have been used for killing weeds on the flue cured tobacco seedbed .

  4. 四年级和五年级时我上的是斯都尔学校。

    I went to Stewart for my fourth and fifth grades .

  5. 72%都尔乳油对茄子田间杂草的防除研究

    Study of The 72 % EC on Eggplant under Weed Control

  6. 蛮族习气和宗教的胜利时代的真实记叙&都尔主教格雷戈里《法兰克人史》的文学分析

    On Gregory of Tours ' The History of the Franks

  7. 史都尔:今天想做什么?

    STUART : What would you like to do today ?

  8. 史都尔:我觉得可以去参观博物馆。

    STUART : I thought we could go to some of the museums .

  9. 都尔防除地膜籽瓜田杂草的试验研究

    Research on the Weeds Control in the Seed Melon Field Covered Plastics with Metolachlor

  10. 突然间都尔变成了一座废弃的小镇,静静地等待被拆除。

    Subsequently , Doel turned into a ghost town , silently awaiting its demolition .

  11. 96%金都尔乳油防除加工番茄田杂草试验

    The Test Controlling Weed in Processing Tomato Field by 96 % EC of Dual Gold

  12. 内蒙古北部温都尔庙群北带沉积环境及构造意义

    Sedimentary environment and tectonic significance of the north belt of the ondor sum group in Inner Mongolia

  13. 史都尔:我不这么认为,美国国会大厦才是最有名的。

    STUART : I don 't agree . I think the Capitol building is the most famous .

  14. 费萨尔公主出生于吉达,7岁时就开始对摄影感兴趣,在沙特阿拉伯吉达阿布都尔阿济兹国王大学修读阿拉伯文学;

    Princess Reem Al-Faisal was born in Jeddah and started to have interest in photography from the year of7 .

  15. 20mg.kg-1金都尔对土壤呼吸的影响不大,而异丙甲草胺具有激发作用;

    20 mg · kg ~ ( - 1 ) of Dual Gold had little effect on the respiration , while metolachlor with the same concentration stimulated it .

  16. 内蒙古温都尔庙白乃庙地区是早古生代中亚蒙古海洋板块与华北陆台之间的海沟岛弧体系。

    The wenduermiao Bailaimiao region in Inner Mongolia formed the trench island is a system between the central Asian Mongolia oceanic plate of Early palaeozoic and the North China continental platform .

  17. 我现在再说一遍,我是在一八一七年九月二十七日晚上在阿都尔降生的,我是检察官维尔福先生的儿子。

    I now repeat that I was born at Auteuil on the night of the27th of september , 1817 , and that I am the son of the procureur , m.de villefort .

  18. 都尔有一个人告我毁弃婚约,可是我从来没有跟他订过婚。爱尔莎与包柏过去曾经订过婚,但婚约已经取消了。

    A man in Toul took an action against me for breach of promise ; but I never promised him Elsa and Bob were once engaged , but they have already broken it off .

  19. 都尔镇已有700年的历史,但是为扩建附近的港口,比利时政府计划拆除小镇并强迫当地居民搬迁。

    The town of Doel is 700 years old , but in an effort to expand the nearby harbor , the Belgian government scheduled the town for demolition and forced its residents to move .

  20. 迄今为止,只有25个居民居住在这座仿若来自后末世时代的艺术天堂,而他们在都尔的未来似乎也是暗淡无望——拆除仍旧随时会到来,他们都将在破碎球(一种拆迁用的设备)到来前离开。

    Only 25 residents remain in this post-apocalyptic artistic paradise , and their future in Doel looks bleak . Demolition is still on the horizon , and they 'll all have to leave once the wrecking ball comes .