
  • 网络Tribal leaders;chief;tribal chief
  1. 他的父亲是一位部落首领,认为对丁卡人来说,篮球并不是一项好的职业。但是还是青少年的马努特-波尔(ManuteBol)决定进入篮球队,而不是领导自己的大家庭。

    His father , a tribal chief , did not think basketball was " good work for a Dinka . " But the teenager chose it over ing his family 's cattle .

  2. 村庄中的土地由部落首领分配。

    Land in the village is allocated by the chief .

  3. 经过长途跋涉,她们一行人登陆北非,在那里,他们遇到了柏柏人部落首领马西塔尼求(KingLarbas)。

    Along with a group of settlers , she traveled a great distance by sea and landed in North Africa , where she met King Iarbas .

  4. 出售预付标志的商蓝标电信公司(BlueLabelTelecoms)开创了一条联系部落首领与流行福音歌者的新路,以帮助提高其产品销售量。

    Blue Label Telecoms , which sells pre-paid tokens , has blazed a trail in forming relationships with tribal chiefs and popular gospel singers to help sell its products .

  5. 穷人们当然乐意看到部落首领遭到报应。

    Poor people were happy to see the khans getting their comeuppance .

  6. 行贿者描沭了部落首领的受贿行为。

    The briber described the tribe head 's bribery .

  7. 想象一下,沙漠地区有一个部落首领。那个地方到处都是沙子。

    Imagine a tribal leader in a desert area where sand is everywhere .

  8. 我的父亲也反对部落首领体制,但他说塔利班更糟糕。

    My father was against ' khanism " but he said the Taliban were worse .

  9. 故事的反派是个部落首领,他把男主角的母亲作为俘虏囚禁了起来。

    The villain was some sort of tribal chief who was holding the mother captive .

  10. 20世纪50年代,他终止了部落首领向人民课税的制度。

    In the 1950s he ended the system where people paid taxes to the khans .

  11. 高地贵族剑士为苏格兰高地或岛屿上部落首领及亲族组成。

    These are the clan leaders and their kinsfolk from the highlands and isles of Scotland .

  12. 佃户们必须支付相当的租金,通常是将部分谷物收成给部落首领。

    They had to pay them rent in kind , usually a share of their crop .

  13. 他最喜欢攻击的是部落首领体制下的封建制度的不公正。

    One of his favourite subjects was the injustice of the feudal system of the khans .

  14. 有些部落首领闻言逃之夭夭。

    Some of the khans fled .

  15. 虽然他不是部落首领,也不是富有之人,但大家还是会听他说话。

    Even though he was not a khan or a rich man , people listened to him .

  16. 现在轮到阿富汗部落首领和阿富汗议会批准这项协议。

    It is now up to Afghan tribal leaders and the Afghan parliament to approve the deal .

  17. 每个部落首领都拥有数百名战士,帮助他处理冲突事件,或者到其他村落烧杀掠夺。

    Each khan kept hundreds of armed men both for feuds and to raid and loot other villages .

  18. 穆腾古是位好心人,也是位贤明的部落首领,对自己的小侄女自然疼爱有加。

    Mutengu was a good man , and a wise chieftain , and he treated his little niece kindly .

  19. 为了避免神的惩罚,可怜得人们屈服了部落首领的压制。

    In order to avoid the divine punishmen , the pathetic people yielded to the repression of tribal chiefs .

  20. 尽管童年生活很艰苦,长大后的铁木真却英勇威武,并成功夺回部落首领的世袭地位。

    Despite his difficult childhood , Temujin grew up strong enough to claim his hereditary position as tribal leader .

  21. 村落由部落首领统治,百姓、工匠和工人则是他们的佃户。

    Villages were ruled by khans , and the common people , craftsmen and labourers , were their tenants .

  22. 黄帝和炎帝是当时最著名的两个部落首领,属华夏集团。

    At that time Yandi and Huangdi were leaders of the two most famous tribes , belonging to the Huaxia .

  23. 马欢写道,郑和赠给部落首领双台银印、冠带袍服。

    Zheng He bestowed on the chief two silver seals , a hat , a girdle and a robe , Ma Huan wrote .

  24. 正在这时,洞外走进来一位老汉,手中端着一碗药,让部落首领喝下去。

    At that time , an old man came inside with a bow of medicine in his hands ready for him to drink .

  25. 相传女娲氏、神农氏、九黎部落首领蚩尤及尧、舜、禹等都曾在这里活动过。

    Nuwa legend 's , Shennong , Chiyoujiu li tribal leaders and Yao , Shun , Yu and other activities have been here .

  26. 部落首领带领这个家族进行诸如吃东西,筑巢等活动,他们一般在家附近0.75到16平方英里(2至40平方公里)的活动范围移动。

    The leader organizes troop activities like eating , nesting in leaves , and moving about the group's0.75-to-16-square-mile ( 2-to-40-square-kilometer ) home range .

  27. 当时,在斯瓦特的优素福扎伊族人并没有领导者。部落首领之间,甚至家族内部时常发生斗争。

    As the Yousafzai in Swat had no ruler , there were constant feuds between the khans and even within their own families .

  28. 詹姆逊记录他们的过程,甚至画了草图,之后用水彩填充,并展示给了他们的部落首领。

    Jameson documented their process and even drew sketches , later filling them in with watercolors and showing them to the tribal chiefs .

  29. 美国国务院表示,美国正在与伊拉克什叶派领导的政府及部落首领合作,争取将极端主义者赶出伊拉克。

    The State Department says the US is working with Iraq 's Shiite-led government and tribal leaders fighting to push the extremists out .

  30. 部落首领的女儿不能嫁给理发师的儿子,理发师的女儿也不能嫁给部落首领的儿子。

    A khan 's daughter can 't marry a barber 's son and a barber 's daughter can 't marry a khan 's son .