
  • 网络Yunxi County
  1. 介绍郧西县汉水将军河索道桥的检测与检算。

    The detection and check calculations of Jiangjunhe River Cableway Bridge in Yunxi County are presented .

  2. 为加快郧西县茶叶产业的发展,提出了郧西县茶叶发展的新思路。

    In order to speed up the development of tea industry in Yunxi County , especially putted forward new thought of tea development in Yunxi County .

  3. 新形势下发挥农村党员作用的有效载体&对郧西县开展党员先进性明白卡活动的个案分析

    The Effective Carrier of Bringing Countryside Party Members into Full Play in the New Situation

  4. 湖北省郧西县白龙洞古人类遗址属于中更新世早期,发掘出表面带有痕迹的骨化石标本。

    Some fossil bones with surface marks were uncovered in Bailong Cave , a palaeo-anthropological site of the early stage of Middle Pleistocene .

  5. 郧西县在农村党员中探索性地开展的“农村党员先进性明白卡”的创新活动,有效地解决了农村党员不会发挥作用、不愿发挥作用和不真正发挥作用的问题。

    The Party members in Yunxi County open the creative activities to bring all the Party members into full play and they all try to give free rein to their respective ability .