首页 / 词典 / good


zhèng zhòng
  • serious;solemn;earnest;attentive
郑重 [zhèng zhòng]
  • (1) [serious;solemn]∶严肃认真

  • 郑重宣誓

  • (2) [attentive]∶审慎;殷勤

郑重[zhèng zhòng]
  1. 在规定的时间里,提供优质的产品与服务,是TH郑重的承诺。

    In the stipulation time , provides the high quality product and the service , is the TH serious pledge .

  2. 法国总统弗朗索瓦攠朗德(FranHollande)上个月警告称,在12月签订气候协议的努力或将失败,除非富裕国家就气候融资作出郑重承诺。

    French president , Fran Hollande , warned last month that efforts to seal a successful accord in December could fail unless wealthy countries make a serious commitment on climate finance .

  3. 我郑重承诺我会回来的。

    I made a solemn promise that I would return .

  4. 她郑重承诺不向任何人透露一个字。

    She solemnly promised not to say a word to anyone about it .

  5. 他郑重地点了点头。

    He nodded solemnly .

  6. 我郑重发誓,总有一天我将回到欧洲生活。

    I solemnly vowed that someday I would return to live in Europe

  7. 我们愿意郑重声明那是有极大价值的。

    We 're willing to state for the record that it has enormous value .

  8. 竞选将于明日郑重开始。

    Campaigning will begin in earnest tomorrow

  9. 他对她郑重道谢。

    He thanked her ceremoniously .

  10. 福特郑重声明他宁可把自己的工厂付之一炬,也不愿意生产一辆用于战争的车辆。

    Ford vowed that he would sooner burn his factory to the ground than build a single vehicle for war purposes

  11. 郑重声明,安德鲁·哈克仍持怀疑的态度。

    Andrew Hacker , for the record , remains skeptical .

  12. 本公司向广大用户郑重承诺:所销售IC均为全新原装,绝无例外。

    We are assure to you : all of the IC are new and unused in original factory standard package , no exception .

  13. 这位叛逆的澳大利亚人(默多克1985年加入美国籍译注)郑重宣布,计划把他年收入14亿美元的出版业务新闻集团(NewsCorp.)打造成世界上最大的通信公司。

    The Australian rebel plans , in all seriousness , to build News Corp. , his $ 1.4-billion-a-year publishing operation , into the biggest communications company in the world .

  14. 4月11日在多赛特的投票中,发言人郑重声明在AV下,像撒切尔时代的私有化或侵略伊拉克那样政治分裂事件决不会发生。

    At a Yes campaign event in Dorset on April11th , speakers vowed that divisive policies like Thatcher-era privatisations or the invasion of Iraq could never happen under AV .

  15. 韩国总统李明博(leemyung-bak)郑重宣告,在平壤方面就击沉天安舰(cheonan)道歉并释放出愿意收敛核活动的信号之前,韩国不会与它展开外交对话。

    Lee Myung-bak , South Korean President , has vowed not to give Pyongyang the diplomatic time of day until it apologises for sinking the Cheonan and gives some signal of its willingness to curtail its nuclear activities .

  16. 我不知道这算不算中国的NGO第一次上街倡议性工作者合法化,这对于我们工作组来说,是一个非常郑重的决定。

    I don 't know if this counts as the first time a Chinese NGO has taken to the street calling for the legalization of sex workers , but for our working group , it was a very solemn decision to do so .

  17. 郑重声明,Yammer目前仍然在正常运营&但辛格勒坚信自被微软收购后,Yammer已经失去了竞争力。

    For the record , yammer is very much still in business & but Zingale clearly believes that it has lost its edge since being acquired by the boys in Bellevue .

  18. 同时Curocom公司很郑重地对待这项研究,并在离西安大略大学很近的安大略州伦敦城建立起了加拿大业务公司&加拿大Curocom。

    Meanwhile Curocom is taking the research seriously enough to set up a Canadian operation , Curocom Canada , in London , Ont . , near Western .

  19. 近年来,气候变暖效应不断加剧,温室气体排放已成为全球关注的热点,本世纪前半期的减排时间表业已为IPCC等国际组织郑重提出。

    In recent years , climate warming effect is increasing , greenhouse gas emissions has become the focus of the world , emissions reduction schedules of the first half of this century has been put forward solemnly by IPCC and other international organizations .

  20. 我的命运就靠你了。男人郑重地说。

    My life is in your hands , the man declared .

  21. 创意金印奖,要做中国的广告奥斯卡&访创意金印奖负责人郑重桥先生

    Creation Golden Print Awards Wants to be Chinese AD Oscar Awards

  22. 她郑重宣布要把这事诉诸法律。

    She vowed that she would take the matter to court .

  23. 他一再郑重说明他是无罪的,但是不起作用。

    His repeated protestation of his innocence did not avail him .

  24. 我在此郑重发誓,我绝对不怀好意!

    I solemnly swear that I am up to no good .

  25. 她那郑重客套的举止实在和我们不拘礼节的晚会不符。

    Her ceremonious manner was rather inappropriate for our informal party .

  26. 我穿上外套也很郑重。

    And I was grand , too , in my overcoat .

  27. 他郑重地把奖品放到我的手里。

    He made ceremony of putting the prize into my hand .

  28. 艾斯特洛悲伤的目光望著他,黯然地郑重答应了。

    Estelow 's grief-stricken voice and eyes gave a solemn promise .

  29. 那么郑重地分尸的理由呢?

    What 's the reason the suspect took apart the body ?

  30. 法官郑重宣判杀人犯死刑。

    The judge solemnly pronounced sentence of death of the murder .