
  • 网络adjacency pair
  1. 分析结果表明,邀请是一个磋商的互动过程,有单邻对和多邻对两种话轮结构模式。

    The result reveals that conversation process is of negotiation , there are two general sequential patterns of invitations in Chinese context : single adjacency pair and multi - adjacency pair .

  2. 较详细地研究了六种溶剂:1,2-二氯乙烷,二硫化碳,四氯化碳,环已烷,正己烷,氯苯对产物异构体邻对比例的影响。

    The influence of solvents on ratio of isomer was investigated in detail .

  3. 最后利用K最近邻方法对汉语情感语料进行识别。

    Finally , an emotion recognition experiment based on K Nearest Neighbor is described .

  4. HPLC测定邻、对甲苯磺酰胺

    Determine of O-and P-Toluene sulfonamide by HPLC

  5. 该算法结合了快速相关矢量量化算法和DCT域分类矢量量化算法,首先根据已编码的邻块对输入矢量的编码索引进行相关预测,对预测失败的输入矢量采用DCT域分类矢量量化算法编码。

    Correlative predictions are made in the algorithm . The failed predicted vector is coded with CVQ in the DCT domain .

  6. 作者在对Ho-Kashyap分类器、复合分类器、K近邻分类器进行了计算机仿真的基础上,选取了最近邻分类器对飞机图形作分类识别。

    We select the nearest neighbor classifier as our classifier for the recognition of aeroplane pattern .

  7. AIRS通过训练产生记忆细胞池,利用最近邻原理对原始抗原分类。

    AIRS results in the memory cell pool after it is trained and classifies the original antigens by KNN .

  8. 采用BP神经网络和最近邻法对噪声样本进行了分类识别实验,结果证实了所提方法的可行性和有效性。

    Finally , the classification experiment for these noise stylebooks was done using the BP neural network and the nearest neighbor methods . Results of the experiment show that the methods are practical and effective .

  9. 在对LFM信号实现分选的基础上,选取待识信号的瞬时频率作为识别特征,利用最近邻方法对信号进行识别。

    Supposing the LFM signals had been sorted and selecting the instantaneous frequency as identification character , the closest method is used to distinguish the signals .

  10. 该协议解决了在不同发送速率条件下,因MAC层帧头的传输范围不同而引起邻节点对信道状态认知产生差异的问题,从而降低了分组发送失败概率和提高了信道利用率。

    RIEMS + can decrease the transmission failure probability and increase the channel utility factor , because it overcomes the drawback that nodes may have different cognitions on channel status , which arises from the differences in propagation ranges of frames with varying transmission rates .

  11. 四-(邻/对氯苯基)金属卟啉的合成

    Synthesis of tetra - ( o / p-chlorophenyl ) Metal Porphyrins

  12. 邻、对氯苯甲酸联产新工艺研究

    Study on the New Joint Technology of o - , p-Chlorobenzoic Acid

  13. 邻、对二硝基苯的相转移催化甲氧基化反应探讨

    The Research on Phase-Transfer Catalytic Methoxylation of o - and p - Dinitrobenzene

  14. 邻、对硝基氯苯及其衍生物生产与进展

    Production and progress of o - and p - nitrochlorobenzene and their derivatives

  15. 邻氰基对硝基氯苯氨解副产物的定性分析

    Analysis of The By - product from o - Cyano , p - Nitrochlorobenzene

  16. 邻(对)硝基甲苯加氢还原催化剂的制备

    Preparation of Catalyst for Hydrogenation Reduction of o - ( p - ) Nitrotoluene

  17. 邻硝基对氯苯胺项目环评恶臭污染防治分析

    Analysis on Effluvium Pollution Prevention and Treatment for Environment Assessment for 2-NO_2,4-Cl Aniline Project

  18. 直接硝化法合成邻硝基对甲酚

    Synthesis of o-Nitro-p-Cresol by Direct Nitrofication Process

  19. 用液相催化加氢法制取邻氨基对甲酚的新工艺研究

    Investigation of A New Technology Using Catalytic Hydrogenation in Liquid Phase to Prepare 2-Amino-4 Methylphenol

  20. 丙纶用染料的研究Ⅳ.邻甲基对正十二烷基苯胺的合成

    Study on the Dyes for Polypropylene Fibers , ⅳ Study on Synthesis of o-Methyl-p-n-dodecyl aniline

  21. 新显色剂四(邻氯对磺酸基苯基)卟啉导数分光光度法同时测定镉和铅的研究

    Simultaneous Determination of Cadmium and Lead With Tetra ( o-chloro-p-sulfophenyl ) porphin by Derivative Spectrophotometry

  22. 在四氯化碳中合成邻硝基对甲基苯胺的研究

    Study on Synthesis of o - Nitro - p - toluidine in Carbon Tetra chloride

  23. 在选用的色谱条件下,难分离物质对邻、对甲基苯胺的分离度达4。

    The resolution was4 for the separation of the most difficult isomers such aso-toluidine and p-toluidine .

  24. 难分离的混合邻、对氯甲苯经氧化可制得混合邻、对氯苯甲酸。

    Chlorobenzoic acids can be synthesized by oxidation of mixed chlorotoluene which was difficult to separate .

  25. 在对笔划单字特征提取的基础上,利用最近邻分类器对字符进行了识别,得到汉字、数字、字母、标点符号四种输出类型,单字识别率得到很大的提高。

    We use the nearest decision method to recognize the character , which can improve the ratio of recognition .

  26. 氧化染发剂几乎都是由染料中间体、成色剂和氧化剂三种反应性化合物组成的。染料中间体通常是邻、对苯二胺,对氨基苯酚及其衍生物,这些中间体被氧化成色素。

    Dye intermediums usually are paraphenylenediamine , p-phenylenediamine , p-aminophenol and its derivate . These intermediums are oxidated to pigment .

  27. 对氯氯苄及其衍生产品在农药中的应用邻,对氯氯苄生产工艺的改进

    APPLICATION OF p CHLOROBENZYL CHLORIDE AND ITS DERIVATIVES IN PESTICIDES Improvement of o ( p ) - chlorobenzyl chloride production process

  28. 介绍了所制备的高活性铜催化剂用于气相催化加氢还原制备邻(对)甲苯胺的研究。

    A highly active copper catalyst for synthesis of o - ( p - ) toluidine via vapor-phase catalytic hydrogenation was prepared .

  29. 邻(对)硝基苯甲醚是十分重要的化工原料,用于制备多种染料、医药和食品添加剂。

    O ( p ) - Nitrophenyl methyl ether is an important chemical raw material for production of dyestuff , pharmaceutical and food additive .

  30. 邻、对氯苯甲酸是染料、农药、医药等领域重要的有机合成中间体,用途广泛。

    O-chlorobenzoic acid and p-chlorobenzoic acid are important fine chemical intermediates which are widely used in the fields of dye , pesticide and medicine etc.