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  • 网络That culture;na culture
  1. 那文化:稻作民族历史文化的印记

    Na Culture as a Mark of Ethnic History and Culture in Rice Areas

  2. 以壮族为主体的那文化,蕴涵着丰富的生态审美对策与不同民族相互认同的文化机理。

    Na culture , with Zhuangzu as its principal part , is rich both in countermeasures for Ecological aesthetics and in the cultural mechanism for the mutual identification of different nationalities .

  3. 从那文化与剪纸习俗的关系出发,大米在整个仪式过程中占有重要地位。

    Rice takes a significant pole in the ceremonial process based on relation between Na culture and paper-cut convention .

  4. 浅析隆安那文化&以稻神祭习俗为例

    An Analysis of " Na " Culture in Long'an & Take the Custom of Offering Sacrifices to Rice for Example

  5. 祥子还在那文化之城,可是变成了走兽。一点也不是他自己的过错。

    Xiangzi lived in this city of culture , but through no fault of his own , was now no better than an animal .

  6. 把人们团结在一起,尝试理解那文化和与有可能需要几年时间的工程中的新的文化、新的材料一起工作。

    The bringing people together and try to understand the culture and working with the new culture , new materials , everything that is involved in that process which may take several years .

  7. 不要再相信快乐幸福是爱情的目标,那是文化的谎言。

    Stop following the lie of culture that tells you pleasure or happiness is the goal of love .

  8. 这种咖啡理发混合的商业模式重新占领了传统理发店衰落之前所攻占的那片文化领域。

    The cafe-barbershop hybrids are regaining the cultural territory held by barbershops in the days before the decline .

  9. 因此,在西方音乐史的教学中,应打破以往的那音乐文化孤立现象。

    Therefore , in the western music teaching , we should break before the " cultural isolation " music .

  10. 在这里,或吃中华料理、或品日式茶道,眉目口齿间无不流溢着一种芬芳&那是文化的芳香。

    No matter what you order , Chinese Cuisine or Japanese Tea , you will taste a scent of culture .

  11. 那生态文化资本的历史运演及其对中国-东盟文化交流的作用

    The Historical Presentation of the Capital in Na Ecological Culture and Its Role in the Cultural Exchange Between China and ASEAN

  12. 每个这样的特征都会加强该文化所选定的行为模式,因而对那一文化来说是正常的。

    Each of these traits , in proportion as it reinforces the chosen behavior patterns of that culture , is for that culture normal .

  13. 真的吗?那西方文化和东方文化到底有什么不同呢?你能举些例子吗?

    Tina : Really ? what 's the exactly difference between the west culture and the east culture ? could you give me some example ?

  14. 他爱恋她声音的悦耳、平和与它那动人的起伏&那是文化教养与高雅的灵魂的流露,柔和丰富得难以描述。

    It WAS the quality of it , the repose , and the musical modulation-the soft , rich , indefinable product of culture and a gentle soul .

  15. 小时候常想能有博人一笑有能耐,而总觉得那是文化人的事。

    When I was in the childhood , I often referred to letting other people laugh as a great skill , and I invariably consider only the educated men could do this .

  16. 两次文化革命虽然各不相同,但从深层结构分析却有着共同的内在规律,那就是文化相对于社会发展的不以人的意志为转移的适应性。

    Though the two cultural revolutions are different from each other , the analysis of their deeper structures reveals the same law that governed these two revolutions , that is the adaptation of culture to the social development independent of man 's will .

  17. 那墨西哥的文化偏见是什么?

    So , what 's the cultural bias in mexico ?

  18. 那是我们文化的一部分,杰克

    It 's part of our culture , Jack .

  19. 17至20世纪赫哲与那乃社会文化变迁比较研究

    The Comparing Study on the Change of Social Culture between Hezhen and Nanai from Seventh to Twentieth Century

  20. 在当今翻译理论的发展中,有一种新趋势,那就是把文化的研究引入翻译理论。

    In the development of modern translation theories , there is a tendency that culture is introduced into this field .

  21. 开始时,你必须首先加强对你想与之交朋友那人的文化背景的了解。

    And to start , you must first enhance your knowledge of the particular culture from which your potential new friend comes from .

  22. 这里可以用中文,用英文,如果中英文混用,那就是新文化了!

    You may use English , use Chinese here , if you mixed English and Chinese , that is you ear the new culture , certainly .

  23. 无论那一种文化,哪一种宗教,对已逝去的人从来都是怀着敬意去缅怀的,然而去没有任何一种文化或是宗教告诉人们该怎样迎接那些“死而复生”的人们。

    While just about every culture and religion has a time-honored way of commemorating the dead , what 's the protocol for welcoming the buried back to life ?

  24. 在文明社会的言语交际中,人们讲究彬彬有礼,然而实际言语行为的实施不尽人意,那是因为文化差异造成了礼貌内涵的多样性。

    In civilized society , people , in speech interaction , aim to be polite , though the actual realization of speech acts is imperfect , for cultural differences result in diversified connotations of politeness .

  25. 然而,创意产业带动国家的经济发展,成为国家经济的重要增长点,在国外发达国家已经是一个共识,那中国的文化创意产业的现状如何呢?

    However , the creativity industry impetus country economical development , becomes the state economy the important growth spot , in the overseas developed country already was a mutual recognition , that China 's cultural creativity industry present situation how ?

  26. 我们那时候没有勾搭文化,只有约会文化,而且我对约会文化也没摸着门道,很像珍妮·古道尔(JaneGoodall)拿着望远镜观察黑猩猩,既希望那些猩猩会邀请她过去,但又更害怕它们会撕烂她的脸。

    We didn 't have a hookup culture . We had a dating culture . And even that was a culture I was on the periphery of , much like Jane Goodall watching chimpanzees through binoculars hopeful that the chimps would invite her over but more terrified that they would rip her face off .

  27. 那会模糊我们文化中的种族界限。

    That make up the ethnicities in our culture .

  28. 如果允许我用历史的例证,那就有亚历山德里亚文化。或希腊主义文化,或印度(婆罗门教)文化。

    or , if historical exemplifications are permitted , there is either an Alexandrian or a Hellenic or a Buddhistic culture .

  29. 二零零八年,如果好运降临在北京上,那是体育与文化相结合

    In the year of2008 , if fortune comes to Beijing , it will be the place where sports and culture join

  30. 二零零八年,如果好运降临在北京上,那是体育与文化相结合,

    In the year of 2008 , if fortune comes to Beijing , it will be the place where sports and culture join ,