
  1. 邓拓(1912年~1966年)是我国历史上的一位著名新闻工作者。

    Deng Tuo ( 1912-1966 ) was a famous journalist in the history of our country .

  2. 作为党的新闻工作者,邓拓的新闻思想是以党报理论为其基本架构的。

    As a party journalist , his ideas were basically structured by the theory of the Party newspapers .

  3. 邓拓是20世纪诗词史上以自己的思想和才情创造了鲜明风格的人。

    In the20th century , Deng Tuo created poetry and Ci with his own style , ideas and talent .

  4. 邓拓一直工作在新闻第一线,熟悉新闻工作规律,结合自己深厚的学识修养,形成了实事求是、忧乐天下和舆论监督三个特点。

    He worked long in the journalistic front , acquainted himself with journalistic working rules , and formed three characteristics of being practical and realistic , becoming concerned about the country , and supervision by public opinions by combining his own profound knowledge and competence .