
  • 网络Dengzhou;dengzhou city
  1. 显然,当时肯定没人会想到邓州市农民能够创新到这个地步。

    No one , evidently , thought the farmers would get quite so innovative .

  2. 他们甚至试图建立自己的“公务员”团队,以邓州市人民政府名义散发招聘广告,招聘大学生到该山寨政府任职,先后有十多名大学生邮寄简历应聘。该山寨政府现已被当地政府关闭。

    They also tried to build up their own ' civil service , ' sending out recruitment ads that attracted more than 10 applicants before the real government shut it down .

  3. 据中国官方媒体最近报道,设立在河南省的“新邓州市人民政府”被发现是山寨政府,相关涉案人员已被当地公安部门抓获。

    State media recently reported that a ' People 's Government of Dengzhou ' set up in central Henan province was toppled after it was found , in fact , to be a fraud .

  4. 报道称,当地三个农民去年成立了这个山寨政府,他们还刻制了一系列假冒的政府公章,并以邓州市人民政府名义下发文件。

    According to reports , the government was set up late last year by three residents who had gone so far as to counterfeit fake government seals and issue papers in the bogus government 's name .