
  • 网络Contraception;Contraceptives;condom;precaution
  1. 比较有无避孕措施异位妊娠所占比例,认为IUD等不增加异位妊娠发病几率。

    Compared the contraception measure , IUD did not add the incidence of ectopic pregnancy .

  2. 一份AlanGuttmacher非赢利基金协会的报告显示,曾多次流产的女性往往是年逾三十、多子,并且绝大多数在流产前一直使用避孕措施。

    Women who had repeat abortions tended to be over age30 and to have more children , and most were using contraception at the time , the report from the nonprofit Alan Guttmacher Institute found .

  3. 我们没有采取任何避孕措施,所以我怀孕了。

    We didn 't take any precautions and I got pregnant .

  4. 行房时不采取避孕措施是非常危险的。

    You are playing Russian roulette every time you have unprotected sex .

  5. 目的:科学评价6种宫内节育器(IUD)的安全性和有效性,为指导育龄群众节育避孕措施的知情选择提供科学依据。

    Objective : To evaluate safety and effect of six types of intrauterine devices ( IUD ) .

  6. 结论:血PRL、E2测定方法简单、正确、不需昂贵的仪器和设备,可准确估计产后妇女的月经恢复,有利于她们及时采用避孕措施,可推广应用。

    Conclusion : The measurement of serum PRL and E_2 is a simple , effective and reliable method to estimate the return time of menses during breastfeeding period . If possible , it should be promoted for clinical use to prepare for their fertility return .

  7. 首次性生活后至首次怀孕间每次性生活时都使用避孕措施的使用率为384%。

    The continuous use rate was 38 4 % before their pregnancy .

  8. 大多数美国妇女采用避孕措施如避孕丸。

    Most American women use contraceptive methods such as the birth control pill .

  9. 80.83%的人采取了避孕措施,而19.17%的人没有采取避孕措施。

    80.83 % had adopted the contraceptive measures , whereas 19.17 % hadn 't.

  10. 70.9%的未婚和47.8%的已婚人工流产对象是没有避孕措施所致,其中主要是侥幸心理。

    70.9 % unmarried and 47.8 % married were caused by unprotected intercourse .

  11. 女性分娩后,宜尽快采取避孕措施以避免意外怀孕,减少流产风险

    Contraception advised after childbirth to avoid unwanted pregnancies and reduce abortion risks .

  12. 婚前避孕措施使用状况及其影响因素分析

    Premarital Contraceptive Use and Its Influencing Factors

  13. 婚姻生活中使用避孕措施进行计划生育不应在宪法上受到禁止。

    Planned parenthood in wedlock by the use of contraceptive devices cannot constitutionally be forbidden .

  14. 一种即将成为现实的办法是针对男性的更好的避孕措施。

    One approach that 's finally becoming a real possibility is better contraceptive options for men .

  15. 由于使用避孕措施,发展中国家的妇女越来越能够进行家庭计划。

    Women in developing countries are increasingly able to plan their families due to contraceptive use .

  16. 农村育龄妇女生殖道疾病和避孕措施调查

    Investigation on reproductive tract diseases and contraception measures of fertile women in rural areas of Shandong province

  17. 研究人员说,他们的目的不是恐吓或阻止女性采取激素避孕措施。

    Researchers say their aim isn 't to scare or stop women from taking hormonal contraceptives . '

  18. 这一状况可以孕产妇文化水平的提高和使用避孕措施的大量增加得以解释。

    This may be explained by increased maternal literacy and a big rise in the use of contraceptives .

  19. 2005年,宫内节育器和输卵管结扎术仍为农村育龄妇女的主要避孕措施。

    In 2005 , IUD and tubal ligation still were the major contraceptive measures among rural married women .

  20. 大学生避孕措施的使用情况较差,意外妊娠的发生率较高。

    The use situation of contraceptive measures among students is bad , and the incidence of accidental pregnancy higher .

  21. 目前,这种男性避孕措施正在中国及欧洲各国进行大规模地试验。

    Large-scale trials of male hormone-based contraceptives are being conducted in China and Europe , according to the scientists .

  22. 缺乏有效的避孕措施,年轻女性就要面对未来长期的子女抚养问题。

    Without an effective female-controlled contraceptive , a young woman faced the prospect of three decades of child bearing .

  23. 在玻利维亚,妇女采取避孕措施与其走出家门就业之间有着很强的联系。

    In Bolivia , there were strong links between women using contraception and having jobs outside of the home .

  24. 目的:分析婚前体检的女青年婚前避孕措施的使用状况及其影响因素。

    Objective : To determine contraceptive use status and its influencing factors among women who took premarital medical examination .

  25. 中国鼓励有生育能力的已婚夫妇在国家指导下自愿选择适宜的避孕措施和方法;

    China encourages fertile married couples to select contraceptive methods of their own accord under the guidance of the state ;

  26. 人们更愿意讨论生育间隔问题,并在对生殖卫生问题有更全面的了解后要求采取避孕措施。

    The people are more likely to discuss birth spacing and request contraception when reproductive health issues are presented more holistically .

  27. 如果确定育龄女性需要使用托吡酯,必须采取有效的避孕措施。

    If the decision is made to use topiramate in women of childbearing age , effective birth control should be used .

  28. 上海市两社区初婚已分娩夫妇人工流产后开始选用避孕措施状态及影响因素的分析

    Analysis of starting adoption of contraceptive method only after induced abortion among women after first birth and its determinants in Shanghai municipality

  29. 然而,高教授认为,青少年发生初次性行为时使用安全套或采取其它避孕措施的人不到一半。

    However , Gao said he believed no more than half of China 's youth used condoms or other precautions during first-time sex .

  30. 育龄期的妇女只有在采取了安全的避孕措施后才可以使用熊去氧胆酸胶囊。

    Women of childbearing age should only be treated with ursodeoxycholic acid if they use reliable methods of contraception at the same time .