
zūn xún
  • follow;comply with;adhere to;abide by;go by;stick to
遵循 [zūn xún]
  • [follow;abide by;comply with] 遵从;依照

遵循[zūn xún]
  1. 在我们家,每天上午的生活总是遵循一种固定的模式。

    Mornings in our house always follow a set pattern .

  2. 如果你遵循这些用法说明,每次都会得到最佳的效果。

    You will get a perfect result time after time if you follow these instructions .

  3. 她遵循着自己的一贯原则,对于他人的主动帮助一概不予理睬。

    She is following her usual policy of ignoring all offers of help .

  4. 指控欺诈的案件应遵循本诉讼程序。

    This procedure should be followed in cases where dishonesty has been alleged .

  5. 经济活动常常遵循周期性模式。

    Economic activity often follows a cyclical pattern .

  6. 他们的外交政策遵循“强权即公理”的原则。

    Their foreign policy is based on the principle that ' might is right ' .

  7. 他没能遵循自己的计划。

    He had been unable to keep to his schedule .

  8. 他生活中一直遵循一种完全不切实际的堂吉诃德式的道德准则。

    He has always lived his life by a hopelessly quixotic code of honour .

  9. 如果我们遵循某些建议,日晒的影响会大大降低。

    The effects of the sun can be significantly reduced if we follow certain guidelines

  10. 波特遵循押韵的规则。

    Porter stayed within the rules of rhyme

  11. 萨拉希望富兰克林在这件事上和所有其他事情一样,能遵循家庭传统。

    Sara wished Franklin to follow family tradition , in this as in all things .

  12. 第81节列出了接受礼物后应该遵循的规定。

    Paragraph 81 sets out the rules that should apply if a gift is accepted .

  13. 政府应遵循高效原则,杜绝国家家长作风。

    The government should be guided by the criteria of efficiency and not State paternalism .

  14. 他已经变得非常刻板,哪怕是最细微的皇室礼仪也会遵循。

    He has become something of a stickler for the finer observances of royal protocol .

  15. 我们不能自主行事;我们遵循总统的决定。

    We are not free agents ; we abide by the decisions of our president .

  16. 尽管她不想遵循传统习俗,但她还是在21岁的时候就怀孕并且结婚了。

    Despite her wish to defy convention , she had become pregnant and married at 21 .

  17. 说到遵循健康饮食习惯,我们过去听到的都是否定的说法。

    In the past we have heard only negatives when it came to following a healthy diet .

  18. 关于谁来支付什么费用并没有明确的规定,只是遵循传统的准则罢了。

    There are no hard and fast rules , but rather traditional guidelines as to who pays for what

  19. 她打定主意必须像平时一样生活,遵循自己通常的作息规律,同时怀抱希望、虔诚祈祷。

    She had decided she must go on as usual , follow her normal routine , and hope and pray

  20. 学习语言必须遵循循序渐进的原则。

    To learn a language we must follow the principle of gradual improvement .

  21. 做任何事都要遵循客观规律。

    We must hold by the objective laws to do anything .

  22. 他总是遵循自己所定的原则。

    He always acted up to the principle he set for himself .

  23. 我们制定了经济方针并且遵循它。

    We laid out the economic guidelines and followed it .

  24. 他的教诲是我信仰的基础,也是我在竞选时所遵循的准则。

    He brought me up to believe all the things I do believe , and they 're the values on which I fought the election .

  25. 本厂遵循:“精心制造、匠心经营、放心使用、称心满意!”的宗旨,竭诚为客户提供优质廉价的产品。

    Based on the principle of " elaborate manufacturing , attentive service , reliable use to make customers satisfied " we heartily provide customers the best products in the cheapest price .

  26. 另一家高端户外服装店巴塔哥尼亚也遵循同样的原则。

    Another clothing company , Patagonia , a high-end outdoor clothing store , follows the same principle .

  27. 早些时候,美国的时尚也是遵循着巴黎的规范,甚至照搬和剽窃特定的法国设计。

    In an earlier time , American fashion had also followed the dictates of Paris , or even copied and pirated specific French designs .

  28. 传统上,指导方针对医学实践的影响很大,尽管医生没有义务遵循这些指导方针,但是新的指导方针还是会使医生意识到他们的决定所带来的经济后果,。

    Traditionally , guidelines have heavily influenced the practice of medicine , and the latest ones are expected to make doctors more conscious of the economic consequences of their decisions , even though there 's no obligation to follow them .

  29. 直到那时,Leah一直遵循着衡量成功与否的传统标准。

    Up until that point , Leah had followed traditional measures of success .

  30. 遵循复杂手艺课程的指导可以提高孩子的数学技能。

    And having to follow instructions on complex craft projects can improve children 's math skills .