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The Problem of Moral Relativism and the Reconstruction of Common Moral
Thirdly , it degenerated into moral relativism .
Chapter Three emphasizes on the possible construction of universal ethics .
This concept is called moral relativism .
From Moral Relativism to Core Values ; Psychological Considerations about the Reorientation of School Moral Education
In a pluralistic society of values school moral education is facing the challenge of moral relativism .
Culture and communication on global networks : cultural diversity , moral relativism , and hope for a global ethic ?
The cultural views of communitarianism also bear some danger in advocating moral relativism and denying the universality of public reasons .
It originates from the virtual nature of cyber technology , the prevalence of ethical relativism , and the profit-driven practices of commercial websites .
Moral relativism , cloaked in jargon , was on the march , promoted by the tedious , despicable know-alls of the supposedly educated classes .
But the western tradition of freedom is not really broken through by it . Its contradiction , defect and morals relativism cause itself to be criticized .
People cannot establish a solid ethical foundation of social justice without in line with the standards of process of justice . Second , in the context of the pluralistic value , to avoid the relativism in moral value , we must begin with the view of procedure .
Here 's one that 's actually lots of people do think is persuasive We must respect all moral beliefs , therefore moral relativism is true .
The change from emphasizing moral relativism to recommending the core values education in Western moral education have reflected the western society 's new understanding of the effectiveness of moral education .
Moral conflicting in network space makes net man fall into moral relativism ;
Chapter One points out there exists moral universalism . The plurality of moral practices cannot negate the existence of object moral values ;
The study of the feasibility of " general ethics " should transcend the general standards of value defined by enlightenment morals and break through the pessimism of postmodern moral relativism and nihilism .
The ethical dilemmas of modern technologies have a deep effect on the moral worldview of the moderns . Such dilemmas reveal the relativity of the morality and give rise to the spread of moral relativism .
Mai thought that Enlightenment the moral rationality attempt which plans for the morals has been defeated inevitably . Nowadays the society is a moral relativism society . The virtuous life floods the continuous argument with the counter-assertion .
The reason that is a self sealing argument is that is a moral absolute , that we must respect all moral beliefs you cannot derive a moral relativism from a moral absolute .