
  1. 发挥活动课程的作用,培养学生的道德实践能力。

    Emphasize the influence of activity curriculum and assure the students ' moral ability through practice .

  2. 二是居民道德实践能力的培养和提高,这主要依靠社区道德环境的全方位建设来完成,其中包括社区经济的建设和发展、社区制度的建立和完善以及社区文化的培育和构建。

    The other is enhancing people 's moral practical ability , which should be done through the whole community developing , inc hiding community economy , community system . and community culture .

  3. 高校德育学分制将德育的内容学分化,以此来综合评价学生政治思想素质、道德素质、实践能力在内的综合素质。

    The system of moral education credit points in college and university can make the best use of the function of credit in the moral education , by which we can estimate the student 's integration quality such as moral , politics , ideology , practices and so on .

  4. 第三要以校园文化活动为平台,培养学生道德情感和道德实践能力。

    Thirdly , the school culture activity shall be made as a platform to bring up the moral emotion and moral practice capability of the students .

  5. 培植大学生个体道德主体性意识,发展道德思维、道德认知、道德情感,培养道德兴趣和道德实践能力,是当代大学生道德学习能力培养的基本内容。

    To cultivate the moral study ability of contemporary college students is to cultivate individual subjective moral consciousness , develop their moral thought cognition and feelings , and to cultivate their moral interest and moral practice ability .

  6. 道德实践教育是一种指向实践的观念和途径,它旨在通过培养学生的道德实践意识、提供良好的道德实践环境、开展科学的道德实践评估,从而增强学生的道德实践能力。

    MPE is a channel and an idea of practice , it aims to enhance the students ' moral practice ( MP ) ability with cultivating their MP consciousness , supplying them better MP environment and taking scientific evaluation .