
  • 网络DOW CORNING;Molykote;Dowcorning
  1. 而且这种模式也被其他公司采用或借鉴,比如道康宁公司(DowCorning)和联邦快递公司(FedEx)。

    And its model has been adopted or adapted by other corporations like Dow Corning and FedEx ( FDX ) .

  2. 道康宁拥有7000多种产品,分别冠以Molykote等牌子。

    Dow Corning features over 7000 products including those under Molykote amongst other brands .

  3. 道康宁润滑系在轮胎硫化中的应用及改进

    Application of Dow Corning ′ s Lubricant System to Tire Vulcanization

  4. 道康宁5700抗微生物处理剂

    Anti-Microbial Agent Dow Coming 's 5700

  5. 结构胶为上海产的云石胶,密封胶为美国道康宁的硅酮树脂胶;幕墙结构胶质量悬人心

    The structural glazing sealant was the injection epoxy adhesive made in shanghai ; Quality Of Structural Silicone Sealant

  6. 个案研讨:〈道康宁公司(A):商业流程与资讯科技〉,麻省理工学院资讯系统研究中心,1997。

    Case for Discussion : " Dow Corning Corporation ( A ): Business Processes and Information Technology . " MIT CISR , 1997 .

  7. 道康宁公司去年也开始了自己的项目,当时公司在印度班加罗尔启动了一个厨具技术项目,使员工有机会了解在新兴市场的工作情况。

    Dow Corning Corp. began its own program last year , starting with a cook stove technology project in Bangalore , India , to give its employees a chance to learn about working in emerging markets .