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  1. 《退休不逢时》(TooYoungToRetire)一书的联合作者、退休事务导师霍华德•斯通建议,以五年后自己的角度,给自己(或朋友或导师)写一封信。

    Howard stone , co-author of too young to retire and a retirement coach , recommends writing a letter to yourself ( or a friend or mentor ) from the perspective of you , five years from now .

  2. 基于对象存储(Object-basedStorage,OBS)技术逢时崛起,利用现有的存储组件、处理技术和网络技术,通过简单方式来获得前所未有的高吞吐量,成为下一代网络存储的主流。

    Object Based Storage ( OBS ) is an emerging technology and will become the next wave of network storage technology . It will achieve an unprecedented high throughput through a simple method using the existing component , processing and network technology .

  3. 我虽然生得逢时,可是地点错了。

    I was born at the right time but wrong place !

  4. 只可惜他死不逢时,您还来不及问他就…

    A pity he died so untimely , before you could talk to him ...

  5. 方法:治疗组42例,采用逢时(辰时,即上午7~9时)针灸治疗2型糖尿病;

    Methods 42 cases of type II diabetes were treated by acupuncture and moxibustion at 7-9 a. m.

  6. 他是个地道的文人,不逢时地生在一个不需要学问的世界里。

    He was a pure man of letters , untimely born in a world that had no need of letters .

  7. 死于年迈很少被冠以“死不逢时”之名,因为能度过漫长的一生被认为是甚为圆满的。

    Death in old age is rarely called untimely & a long life is thought to be a full one .

  8. 我一走出这个帐逢时,我就忘记了别林斯夫人说的话,因为我的妻子急匆匆地朝我走来。

    As soon as I went outside , I forgot all about madam Bellinsky because my wife hurried towards me .