
  • 网络creating deity
  1. 《山海经》与战国时期的造神运动

    Shanhai jing ( The Book of Mountains and Seas ) and the God creation Movement During the Warring states Period

  2. 其次,针对林莽等人对食指所进行的典律化(或造神)运动,提出历史境况上的辩驳;

    Secondly , we will argue based on historical circumstances , contrary to the canonization ( god creation ) movement prosecuted by Lin Mang and etc.

  3. 我们被造为神做工。

    We are made to work for God .

  4. 为陪伴亡灵而作的墓室雕塑、陵园雕塑和为信仰而造的神佛&寺庙雕塑。

    Often they ended up in tombs or graveyards and were religious relics such as Buddha and other temple sculptures ;

  5. 在那里,你们必事奉人手所造的神,就是用木石造成,不能看,不能听,不能吃,不能闻的神。

    There you will worship man-made gods of wood and stone , which cannot see or hear or eat or smell .

  6. 虽然我们是神所造,神爱我们,但因为我们的罪,我们就不能跟神在一起,不能去天堂。神是多么愿意我们能够去天堂!

    And even though He created us and loves us , God says we cannot be with Him in Heaven because of our sin .

  7. 他们论耶路撒冷的神,如同论世上人手所造的神一样。

    Talking of the God of Jerusalem as if he was like the gods of the peoples of the earth , the work of men 's hands .

  8. 但耶书仑渐渐肥胖,就踢跳-你肥胖了,粗壮了,饱满了-便离弃造他的神,轻看救他的磐石。

    But Jeshurun grew fat and kicked-You have become fat , you have grown thick , you have gorged yourself-and forsook god , who made him , and treated the rock of his salvation disdainfully .

  9. 通过对中、希神话中的造人神祗的性别、形象、故事情节、造人材料和等级观念五个方面逐一比较分析,力图从一个新的视角去揭示东西方文化的差异及其根源。

    In this paper , the author compares the man-creating stories in Chinese and Greek myths from five aspects like the creators gender , creators image , story plots , materials used and sense of hierarchy .

  10. “你又赞美那不能看、不能听、无知无识、金、银、铜、铁、木、石所造的神,却没有将荣耀归与那手中有你气息,管理你一切行动的神。”

    Daniel said , " You have praised the gods of silver , and gold , of brass , iron , wood , and stone , which see not , nor hear , nor know : and the God in whose hand your breath is , and whose are all your ways , you have not glorified . "

  11. 却无人说,造我的神在那里。他使人夜间歌唱。

    But none saith , Where is God my maker , who giveth songs in the night ;

  12. 当人受造时,神向人施行特别的护理作为,是什么?

    What special act of providence did God exercise toward man in the estate wherein he was created ?

  13. 他们也拜人手所造的偶像假神。

    They were sacrificing to strange gods which were the works of their hands .

  14. 人是按照神的形象造的,具有神的标记。

    Man is created in God 's image and bears the mark of his Maker .

  15. 希腊人按照自己的样子造了他们的神,我们也是如此。

    The Greeks made their gods in their own image and so do we , but ours are less heroic .

  16. 自从造天地以来,神的永能和神性是明明可知的,虽是眼不能见,但借着所造之物,就可以晓得,叫人无可推诿。

    For since the creation of the world God 's invisible qualities his eternal power and divine nature have been clearly seen , being understood from what has been made , so that men are without excuse .