
dòu hào
  • comma
逗号 [dòu hào]
  • [comma] 标点符号中点号的一种(,),用在句中表示比顿号长比分号短的停顿

逗号[dòu hào]
  1. 逗号后面要留一个空格。

    Leave a space after the comma .

  2. 这两个分句由一个逗号分开。

    The two clauses are separated by a comma .

  3. 一个逗号都没遗漏。

    Not a comma was left out .

  4. 如果对方是个十亿富豪,我们就可以说“他有三个逗号”。

    In case of a billionaire , we can use three commas .

  5. 在英语中,我们用逗号做数字中的千位符。

    In English , we use a comma to separate thousands in numbers .

  6. 如果我们说“某人有两个逗号”,那意思就是说“他是个百万富翁”。

    If we say someone has two commas , that means he is a millionaire .

  7. 如果一串数字中出现了两个逗号,那么这个数字一定超过了百万。

    If there are two commas in a number , it must be in million .

  8. Order映射的输入采用逗号分隔的格式。

    The input to the Order map is in comma separated format .

  9. 在GAS中,变量名放在.lcomm关键字的后面,然后是一个逗号和要保留的空间量。

    Lcomm keyword , which is then followed by a comma and then the amount of space to be reserved .

  10. INNERJOINvsFROM子句中串在一起并用逗号分隔的表

    INNER JOIN versus tables strung together in the FROM clause separated by commas

  11. 用逗号或空格分隔每个id。

    Separate each ID with a comma or a space .

  12. 从上面的ElementID和消息键对列表中创建一个以逗号分隔的字符串。

    Create a comma-separated String from the above list of pairs ( Element ID and message key ) .

  13. 导入和导出支持的文件格式为XML、以逗号分隔和以管道线分隔的格式。

    The file formats supported for import and export of data are XML , comma-delimited , and pipe-delimited formats .

  14. 在第三列之后将是以逗号隔开的组的成员的用户ID。

    Everything after the third column will be the group members'user ids separated by commas .

  15. 输入受信任域或URL列表,使用逗号进行分隔。

    Enter your list of trusted domains or URLs , delimited by commas .

  16. Java拆分函数用于通过一个逗号分隔符来拆分行内容,从而得到各个值。

    The Java split function is used to split the row contents based on a comma separator to derive individual values .

  17. 通过在implements后使用逗号分隔的列表,可以实现任意多的接口。

    You can implement as many interfaces as you want by using a comma-separated list after implements .

  18. JSP需要的是一个请求参数,这个请求参数必须是一个由逗号分隔的字符串组。

    The JSP expects a request parameter that is a comma-separated set of Strings .

  19. 注意您可以传递不止一个字段用MATCH()来查看-只需用逗号来分割字段列表。

    Note that you can pass MATCH () more than one field to look in ― simply separate the field list with commas .

  20. 如果不止一个JAR文件,就用逗号来分隔。

    If there are more than one JAR file , delimit them with a comma .

  21. 在本例中,程序员选择创建一个files字段,其中包含一个由逗号分隔的文件id列表。

    In this example , the programmer chose to create a files field containing a list of file ids separated by commas .

  22. hash被表示为使用逗号间隔的一组属性,并且使用大括号括起。

    A hash is expressed as a set of attributes delimited by commas between curly braces .

  23. (多个包及bundles可以用逗号分开)。

    Multiple packages and bundles are comma separated .

  24. 两种最流行的格式是用逗号分割的数据格式(commaseparatedvalues,CSV)以及定长字段格式(fixed-lengthfields)。

    Two of the most popular formats are comma separated values ( CSV ) and fixed-length fields .

  25. 在开发健壮的Java应用程序时,用逗号分隔持久性实现的详细说明通常是一个好主意。

    When developing robust Java applications , it is often a good idea to isolate the specifics of your persistence implementation behind a common API .

  26. 在Java里需要用到逗号的唯一场所就是for循环,本章稍后会对此详加解释。

    The sole place that the comma operator is used in Java is in for loops , which will be described later in this chapter .

  27. 当用户选择弹出对话框上的Save按钮时,一个文本框将被设置为包含所选州的逗号分隔列表。

    When the user selects the Save button on the pop-up dialog , a text box is set to a comma-separated list containing the selected states .

  28. 这些是两个CSS类,由一个逗号分开,有不同的背景颜色。

    These are two CSS classes , separated by a comma , with different background colors .

  29. 我们的应用处理多个文件,这些文件包含由逗号分隔值(comma-separatedvalues,CSV)组成的记录。

    Our application processes multiple files containing records composed of comma-separated values ( CSV ) .

  30. 在NewsBarWizards中,输入一个或多个以逗号分隔的搜索术语,如下所示。

    In the News Bar Wizards , you can enter one or more search terms separated by commas , as shown below .