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  • Transparent band;zonal pellucida
  1. 壳聚糖/卵透明带DNA口服避孕疫苗的研究

    The Study on Chitosan / zona Pellucida DNA Oral Contraceptive Vaccine

  2. B、酶消化透明带后分割;

    B.by a microblade after removal of the zonae pellucide by digestion with pronase ;

  3. 壳聚糖-卵透明带DNA纳米微囊的制备及其体外表达

    Preparation of Chitosan - zona pellucida DNA nanoparticles and its expression in vitro

  4. 卵透明带DNA避孕疫苗的研究

    The Study of Zona Pellucida DNA Contraceptive Vaccine

  5. 去N端信号肽和C端跨膜区猪卵透明带-3β蛋白在原核系统表达的研究

    Study on the Expression of Pig Zona Pellucida-3 β Excluding N-terminus Signal Peptide and C-terminus Transmembrance-like Domain in Escherichia coli

  6. 方法去透明带金黄地鼠卵经不同浓度的纯化人精子MR作用后,用透射电子显微镜观察卵母细胞超微结构的变化。

    Methods The zona free hamster eggs were pre-incubated with MR which isolated from motile sperm of human by mannose-agarose gel affinity chromatography .

  7. 提示人精子MR在精子与透明带识别中可能不起介导作用,其对精卵融合能力可能具有影响。

    This result may indicate that the effect of pMRs on fertilization ability is not in sperm-zona pellucida recognition , but in sperm-egg fusion .

  8. 猪卵透明带-3β蛋白核心片断在E.coli中的表达

    Expression of Core Domain of Porcine Zona Pellucida Protein 3 β in E.coli

  9. 鼠卵透明带3在Pichiapastoris酵母中的分泌表达

    Secreted Expression of Murine Zona Pellucida 3 in Pichia pastoris

  10. 结果表明:首先使用蛋白酶K除去透明带,然后用本试验方法可以获得浓度相对高的基因组DNA。

    The results indicated that first removing transparent with proteinase K , we could obtain the relatively high concentration of genomic DNA by this method . 2 .

  11. 在进行卵母细胞/早期胚胎的免疫化学染色、蛋白质提取、以及RNA提取诸多研究时,透明带的存在无疑会影响效果。

    Existence of zona pellucida imposed negative effects onthe immunochemistry dyeing as well as extracting protein and RNA of oocyte / early embryo .

  12. 去透明带地鼠卵穿透试验与精子DNA荧光染色、精子尾部低渗肿胀试验相关性分析总之,纵观过去50年,人类精子的数量下降了约50%。

    Relationship between the zone-free hamster oocyte penetration test , human hypo-osmotic swelling test and effective sperm count All in all , in the past 50 years , the sperm count decreased about half .

  13. 用WOW(Thewellofthewell)培养法和琼脂包埋培养法对去透明带小鼠原核胚进行培养,统计去透明带原核胚的囊胚发育率、囊胚回收率和囊胚细胞数。

    Culturing zona-free embryos in vivo by the well of the well ( WOW ) culture method or agarose embed culture method , the blastocysts developmental rate , recovery rate and cell numbers of blastocyst were counted .

  14. 本文观察了不同血清型溶脲脲原体对人精子穿透去透明带金色仓鼠卵试验(SPA)的影响。

    The effect of different U. urealyticum serovars on human sperm penetrating capability using zona-free hamster egg penetrating assay was observed in this study .

  15. 目的:构建猪卵透明带ZP3α真核表达载体,为探讨卵透明带DNA疫苗避孕疫苗奠定基础。

    Objective : Constructing the porcine zona pellucida - 3 α eukaryotic expression vector to develop the zona pellucida contraceptive DNA vaccines .

  16. 采用直接去核法、透明带切割法、PMM法3种核移植方法进行小鼠卵母细胞去核的研究。

    Three procedures of nuclear transfer in mice were studied .

  17. BA-ELISA检测透明带抗体的研究

    Investigation on the detection of anti-zona pellucida antibodies with ba-elisa

  18. 草原兔尾鼠卵透明带3(1ZP3)在Pichiapastoris中的分泌表达及其纯化鉴定

    Expression of Lagurus Lagurus Zona Pellucida 3 ( 1ZP3 ) in Pichia Pastoris and Its Purification and Characterization

  19. 当囊胚由透明带自然孵出后,用细玻璃针剥离囊胚中的内细胞团(innercellmass,ICM)并与饲养细胞进行共培养。

    After the blastocysts were hatched naturally from the zone pellucida , the inner cell mass ( ICM ) was dislodged from blastocysts using the sealed end of a finely drawn Pasteur pipette and co cultured with the feeder cells .

  20. 花鲢〔ARISTICHTHYSNOBILIS(Richardson)〕卵透明带大分子组成及其主要理化性质研究

    Studies on some important physico-chemical properties , and macromolecular composition of zona pellucida from Aristichthys nobilis ( richardson ) ova

  21. 目的:构建高效表达人透明带蛋白3的真核重组表达载体。方法:利用PCR、T-A载体克隆和亚克隆等技术。

    Objective To construct the recombinant plasmid that highly expressed human zona pellucida 3 . Methods The techniques of PCR amplification , T-A vector ligation , and sub-clone were used .

  22. 卵透明带ZP3的研究及其应用

    Studies and Applications of Zona Pellucida 3

  23. 结果表明,囊胚期胚胎不除去透明带而直接培养产生胚胎干细胞,初次克隆率为55%;胰酶法去透明带分离的内细胞团(ICM)培养产生胚胎干细胞,初次克隆率为90%。

    The results showed that : the primary colony rates of bovine embryonic stem cell from normal IVF blastocysts and trypsin-isolated ICMs were 55 % and 90 % , respectively .

  24. 猪卵透明带ZP3α真核表达载体的构建及体外瞬时表达

    Construction of Porcine Zona Pellucida-3 α Eukaryotic Expression Vector and its Transient Expression in HeLa Cells

  25. 哺乳动物的精卵识别是通过精子表面糖蛋白和透明带(ZP)糖蛋白的特异性识别完成的,这两种糖蛋白结构互补。

    The sperm recognizing to eggs is completed in mammalian species by sperm head glycoproteins specific binding to a complementary glycoproteins located on the egg ZP .

  26. 结果在RSA病因组成中,封闭抗体缺乏占31.7%,透明带自身抗体占20.4%,磷脂抗体占12.5%,ABO血型抗体占11.5%;

    Results Among causes of RSA , lack of blocking antibodies accounted for 31.7 % , anti zona pellucida antibodies for 20.4 % , anti phospholipid antibodies for 12.5 % , and ABO group antibodies for 11.5 % .

  27. 鼠透明带3cDNA的克隆及其在原核细胞中表达的研究

    Cloning of Murine Zona Pellucida 3 cDNA and Its Expressing in Prokaryotic Cell

  28. 目的探讨新的小鼠卵母细胞透明带膨胀(ZPD)辅助去核法的可靠性。

    Objective : To study the reliability of the new enucleation method for mouse oocyte : zona pellucida dilating ( ZPD ) assisted enucleation method .

  29. CSD存在于卵巢颗粒细胞层和初级卵泡到排卵前卵泡的卵母细胞中,透明带和卵泡腔不表达CSD,排卵后的黄体细胞也表达较强的CSD。

    In the ovary , strong immunostaining for CSD was observed in the granulosa layer and oocytes of follicles from the primary to preovulatory stages while the zona pellucida and the follicular antrum were not stained .

  30. 目的:观察移植胚胎透明带厚度变量(ZPTV)对体外受精-胚胎移植(IVF-ET)治疗结果的影响。

    Objective : To analyze the relationship between the zona pellucida thickness variation ( ZPTV ) of transferred embryos and clinical outcomes in IVF ET cycles .