- 网络selective perception

A Review of Some Cognitive Theories of Visual Selective Attention
Like all of us , decision makers perceive the world selectively for different reasons and in different ways .
Cognitive Motive for Matching the Selectivity of Adjective and Noun
Wisconsin card sorting test ( WCST ): It mainly detected abstract ability , concept formation , selective memory and transfer ability of cognition , and it reflected performance function of decision of frontal lobe .
And selective attention in what stage of cognitive pro-cessing is always pay attention to the research in the field of early and late two model is the focus of debate .
Visual selective attention is one of the most important issues in the cognitive psychology research , and theoretical controversies focus on the locus of attention selection and the space-based attention vs. object-based attention .
A significant positive correlation has been found between more proficient learners ' personality and their selective attention ( metacognitive ); practice , reading , grouping as well as note-taking ( cognitive ) strategies use in vocabulary learning .
The meta-cognitive monitoring skill of biology is the key factor to train the students in their learning ability and improve their grades .