- 网络chosen ciphertext;chosen-ciphertext attack

Two threshold cryptosystems secure against chosen ciphertext attacks are proposed .
Non-interactive Threshold Cryptosystems Secure Against Chosen Ciphertext Attacks in the Standard Model
Choice New Threshold Cryptosystem against Chosen Ciphertext Attacks Based on Pairing
The encryption algorithm in the scheme is semantically secure against adaptive chosen cipher-text attacks based on the DDH assumption .
Using threshold scheme to distribute the keys and verify the pieces using RSA . Thus with advantages of two algorithms to prevent the selected encrypted text attack and public module attack .
Its ( security ) is based on the intractability of the integer factorization problem as RSA , and it is able to resist the chosen-ciphertext attack against RSA and easy to be implemented .
A new certificateless public key encryption scheme is proposed . In this paper , we propose a new CL-PKE scheme which is based on the nice algebraic properties of Weil pairing and proof the security of the scheme formally in the random oracle model .
Chosen - ciphertext Attack for Chaotic Self - synchronizing Stream Cryptosystem
We propose two efficient Identity-Based threshold decryption schemes .
Study of Some Problems of Quantum Cryptography and Theoretical Security of Cryptosystem ; Study on the Public Key Cryptosystem Secure Against Chosen Ciphertext Attack
Security problem of observer-based chaotic secure communication is researched . The communication scheme with high security is obtained , which defines attacking from adaptive synchronization and ciphertext chosen .
The algorithm has a large space of the key , which can be proven by detailed analysis of the performance index , and can withstand chosen-text / cipher attack .
For the identity-based encryption , we proposed an ideal functionality and proved that any identity-based encryption scheme which is secure against adaptive chosen-ciphertext and identity attacks , can securely realize it .
In addition , the plaintext determined block length can effectively resist chosen plaintext attack and chosen ciphertext attack .
We found that this scheme cannot resist chosen plaintext attack , cho-sen ciphertext attack and known plaintext attack .