
  • 网络trials;Selective;tryout
选拔赛 [xuǎn bá sài]
  • [tryout;qualifying trial;selective trial] 对运动员、演员等的测验,选拔以确定其是否能够胜任或是否合乎某一等级的标准

  1. 在奥运会选拔赛之前,他需要进一步提高自己。

    He needs to sharpen up before the Olympic trials .

  2. 他参加赛马选拔赛还不到一年。

    He has been riding in horse trials for less than a year .

  3. 她在选拔赛中的表现得到了赞赏。

    She won admiration for her comportment during the trial .

  4. 入选美国国家少年体育队的选拔赛

    tryouts for the U.S. junior national athletics team .

  5. 如果选拔赛双方打平,报界可能会使形势朝着不利于他们的方向倾斜。

    If the trial were evenly poised the newspapers might tip the balance against them .

  6. 第4届CUBA广西选拔赛女篮状况分析

    An Analysis on the Conditions of the Women Basketball Teams on the 4th Guangxi Selective Trial of CUBA

  7. 类似的例子还有加布里埃尔•道格拉斯(GabrielleDouglas),16岁的道格拉斯在美国的奥运体操选拔赛上也获得胜利。

    Then there is Gabrielle Douglas , the 16-year-old who won the U.S. Olympic Trials competition in gymnastics .

  8. 如果我能够的话,总有一天我会参加NBA的选拔赛,尽管这看起来像是一个遥远的梦想,但梦想总有一天会成真的。

    If I can , I 'll try out for NBA someday.Though it seems like a dream so far away , but dreams will eventually come true .

  9. Twitter表示,在7月初奥运选拔赛期间,某一天中关于奥运会的推特信息量比2008年北京奥运会期间全部的发布量还要多。

    There were more tweets about the Olympics in a day during the trials last week , according to Twitter , than during the entire 2008 Summer Games . '

  10. 这么说那时举办过一次设计师选拔赛,对吗?

    So , was there a competition to select a designer ?

  11. 在暑期集训开始前将有一场选拔赛。

    A selection contest will be held before summer training begins .

  12. 选拔赛中的表现将成为决定是否能够成为队员的重要指标。

    Performance in it will be a prime factor in recruitment .

  13. 这些队伍要参加奥林匹克运动会的选拔赛。

    These teams are going to try out for the Olympic Games .

  14. 奥运会选拔赛将于下周进行。

    The Olympic trials are to be held next week .

  15. 在可能入选和希望较大选手之间安排了一场选拔赛。

    A trial game was arranged between possibles and probables .

  16. 好了各位威米选拔赛开始了

    All right , people . Time for wammy tryouts .

  17. 田径项目的选拔赛正在进行。

    The semi-finals of the track and field events are under way .

  18. 它也被控在古巴举行棒球员选拔赛。

    It was also charged with holding a try-out competition in cuba .

  19. 因为这周就要举行吉祥物选拔赛了

    Because they 're holding mascot tryouts this week .

  20. 有3000个男孩子参加了选拔赛。

    3000 boys turned up for the selective trials .

  21. 你不准备打完选拔赛吗?

    You 're not going to finish try outs ?

  22. 球队选拔赛是在去年春天塞尔瓦托先生

    Varsity trials were last spring , mr. Salvatore .

  23. 这个阶段的选拔赛队伍注册已经被关闭。

    Registration is closed for this phase of qualification .

  24. 那年春天有10个男孩参加田径选拔赛。

    Ten boys went out for track that spring .

  25. 今天有长曲棍球训练吗第一轮选拔赛

    Got lacrosse today ? It 's first tryouts ,

  26. 问:我的亲朋好友想来观看选拔赛,可以吗?

    My friends and relatives want to watch me audition , is this allowed ?

  27. 这项计画,第一次是在2007年的奥运选拔赛期间被测试。

    The recycling program was first tested in2007 during a set of Olympic trials .

  28. 他从选拔赛中脱颖而出。

    The trials for the semifinals began yesterday .

  29. 汤姆参加了篮球队选拔赛。

    Tom tried out for the basketball team .

  30. 经这一系列选拔赛之后,锦标赛中将仅剩十六人。

    After this series of eliminators only sixteen people will remain in the tournament .