- 网络Reverse drag

People mixed reverse drag fold with rollover fold together in the past . It caused a confusion to a certain degree .
The relation between tensional and compressive shove , normal and reverse drag , shove fault and the action of igneous rocks are analyzed .
Reverse draging anticlines are well developed in oil fields in eastern china , they are a kind of important hydrocarbon traps .
The HC migration and richness in rollover anticline are controlled by the active period , offset , formation and depth of major and secondary faults .
In the light of the major controlling factors of pool formation , 9 types of pools which possess specific distribution features and oil-bearing strata are identified .
The reverse drag anticline traps and the nose shaped high trap in the hanging wall of growth fault in extensional basin are the major targets in oil and gas exploration .
The extensional folds related to normal faults are distributed most widely , which can be further divided into drag folds , reverse-drag folds , rolled folds , compensation squeezed anticlines and fault-displacement folds ;
Normal fault plane pattern can be divided into planing , listric and sloping style . The folds associated with different fault plane pattern are drag fold , reverse drag fold , rollover fold and complex fold .
Depending on the difference in fundamental mechanism , the folds can be further classified into drag folds , reverse drag folds , rollover folds ( rollover anticlines ), tilting folds , fault displacement folds , fault line deflection folds and other types of superimposed folds .
The mechanism is that the thrust-drag anticline in accordance with tectonic setting plays the key role and most efficient traps are formed by fault processes .
Trap door structure , pop up structure , and assemblage of listric thrust , dragged anticline and dragged syncline are most favorable to the accumulation of oil and gas .