
  1. 初中数学教学逆向思维方法初探

    A Try on Converse Thought in Mathematics Teaching in Junior Middle School

  2. 高等代数中逆向思维方法的探讨

    Probe into the Methods of Inverse Thought for Higher Algebra

  3. 逆向思维方法在投影变换中的应用

    Use of Counter Thinking in Projection Change

  4. 认为安全问题已经对自由式滑雪空中技巧的发展构成威胁,逆向思维方法是解决安全问题的有效手段,完善水池跳台使之成为国际一流场地势在必行。

    The reverse thinking is an effective method to resolve the safety problems . It is imperative to consummate the pool jump platform .

  5. 本文阐述逆向思维方法在数学教学中的运用,并举例说明运用这种方法进行教学所取得的较好效果。

    This paper expounds the application of inverse thought in a mathematics required course teaching , and illustrates with example the good results due to the application of this method .

  6. 非线性是发生混沌的必要条件,用研究混沌现象的机理来判断系统故障是故障诊断的一种逆向思维方法,本文对此作了定性分析。

    Non-linear is the necessary condition of chaos . To judge system fault with studying the mechanism of chaos phenomena is a reverse thinking method of fault diagnosis . It is qualitatively analysed in this paper .

  7. 在高等数学教学中具体运用反推思考、间接思考、反证法和举反例等逆向思维方法,对发展学生智力、培养学生的创新思维能力具有重要的作用。

    It will play an important role in developing students ' intellegence and fostering students ' innovative concept to use inverse thinking in the teaching of higher Mathematics , such as using inverse reasoning thinking , indirect thinking , reduction to absurdity and taking opposite examples .

  8. 结合例子,叙述了在教学过程中培养学生发散思维和逆向思维的方法。

    In the light of specific examples , the method is depicted for developing divergent thinking and converse thinking in the course of teaching .

  9. 采用逆向思维的方法,从方程组的通解或基础解系出发,讨论方程组的构造,给出了一般性的方法,并例举了应用举例。

    By adopting the reverse thinking , the structure of a system of equations is discussed in light of its general solution or basic solution series . A general method is given , with its application illustrated by examples .

  10. 第4章采用逆向思维的方法从国家自然科学基金项目的角度对高校科研竞争力进行评价,从而指出单一标准评价产生的负面影响,并提出改善项目评估的方法。

    In chapter 4 the method is to adopt reverse thinking to evaluate university 's scientific research competitiveness in terms of fund project of national natural science , thus points out the negative effect by single standard , and puts forward the methods which improve scientific evaluation .

  11. 文章分析了大学生就业难的原因,用典型案例论证了运用逆向思维智慧就业的方法和策略。

    This paper analyzes the difficulties for college students in employment , and illustrates some successful examples of counter-routine thought , lastly points out some useful strategies for them .