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  • The Undertaker
  1. 当送葬者开始摇响我葬礼的丧钟。

    And the undertaker starts to ring my funeral bell .

  2. 面具就像一位面容槁枯,白发稀疏的老人,所以我看上去应该就如同一位送葬者一般吧。

    The mask looked like the face of a withered old man with stringy white hair , so that I must have looked like an undertaker .

  3. 2.5万名送葬者前来瞻仰死者遗容。

    Twenty-five thousand mourners passed to view the body .

  4. 送葬者泪如雨下,令人心碎。

    The mourner 's profuse tears at the burial were heartbreaking .

  5. 我走出房子进入花园,参加送葬者的行列。

    I went out into the garden to join the mourners .

  6. 1952年,军方宽待送葬者。

    In1952 the army had fed the Iines of mourners .

  7. 把棺木抬进来,让送葬者进来。

    Bring out the coffin , let the mourners come .

  8. 对于送葬者而言,他们失去的远不止一名令人尊敬的球员。

    They acknowledged they had lost rather more than a decent player .

  9. 威廉姆沃恩,29岁,是葬礼上75位送葬者之一。

    William vaughn , 29 , was one of the75 mourners at the funeral .

  10. 灵柩下葬时,送葬者默立致哀。

    The mourners stood in silent tribute as the coffin was laid to rest .

  11. 哀悼�灵柩下葬时,送葬者默立致哀。

    The mourner stand in silent tributes as the coffin is laid to rest .

  12. 金大中送葬者的情绪确实悲痛。

    THE mood among mourners is appropriately sombre .

  13. 把琴声凝住在低沉的鼓声中,抬出灵怄,让送葬者进来。

    Silence the pianos and with muffled drum Bring out the coffin , let the mourners come .

  14. 送葬者向死者告别之后,殡仪员就把棺盖钉上了。

    After the mourners have paid their last respects , the undertaker screws gown the lid of the coffin .

  15. 丧礼时,送葬者太多的泪水使人衰伤。全家都穿了丧服去参加葬礼。

    The mourner 's profuse tears at the burial were heartbreaking . The family was dressed in mourning for the funeral .

  16. 近日在津巴布韦的一场葬礼上,送葬者惊奇地看到他们要送走的贵宾活生生地从棺材里坐了起来。

    Mourners at a recent funeral in Zimbabwe were caught by surprise when the guest of honor sat up in his coffin .

  17. 据说,不少送葬者都忍不住笑起来,包括主持丧礼的牧师。

    It is said that many of the mourners , including the priest who was to conduct the funeral , could not contain their laughter .

  18. 当他们试着将古斯特的尸身埋入土中,但发现墓口的洞实在太小了,所以送葬者不得不将他的双脚与身体分离。

    When they tried to lower him into the earth , the grave opening was too small , so the pallbearers had to trample him down with their feet .