
tuì cháo
  • ebb tide;ebb;fall of tide;falling tide
退潮 [tuì cháo]
  • [ebb tide] 海水在涨潮以后逐渐下降。亦称落潮

退潮[tuì cháo]
  1. 但退潮的影响比估计的要大。

    But the ebb tide and currents are stronger than predicted .

  2. 他们趁退潮时启航。

    They set sail on the ebb tide .

  3. 这座岛只能在退潮时上去。

    The island can only be reached at low tide .

  4. 我喜欢退潮后走在潮湿的沙滩上。

    I like walking on the wet sand when the tide is out .

  5. 正在退潮,沙滩平坦,闪着微光。

    The tide was going out , and the sand was smooth and glittering

  6. 退潮时,它便成为甲壳动物居住的岩石区潮水潭。

    When the tide ebbs it 's a rock pool inhabited by crustaceans .

  7. 我们决定第二天早晨6点钟趁退潮时离开。

    We decided to leave on the ebb at six o'clock next morning .

  8. 退潮时他们在海滩上挖贝类。

    They dug for shellfish at low tide

  9. 正在退潮。

    The tide was going out .

  10. 下午两点退潮。

    The tide sets out at 2 p.m.

  11. 海水退潮后,呈露出一些礁石。

    Some reefs emerged after the tide ebbed .

  12. 他们一直游到开始退潮。

    They swam till the tide began to ebb .

  13. CNN主播特派员蕾丽莎·瓦希列娃:退潮就是他创作的时候。

    RALITSA VASSILEVA , CNN ANCHOR / CORRESPONDENT : Low tide is when he goes to work .

  14. 蒙泰罗住在戈韦纳多岛(GovernadorIsland),驾船驶离家附近的港口时,他指给我看把岛上30万名居民的排泄物送进水中的那些管子,它们在退潮之际现出了真身。

    As he pulled out from the harbor near his home on Governador Island , he pointed to a half-dozen pipes , exposed at low tide , belching out human waste from the island 's 300000 residents .

  15. 在只有趁着每天退潮那几个小时步行前往的博赛镇(BroughofBirsay),我们在一个标着维京桑拿浴场的洞穴里出了点汗。

    At the Brough of Birsay , accessible only by foot during the few hours when the tides recede , we sweated in the chamber marked the Viking sauna .

  16. 大海开始退潮时,海啸就来了。我说。

    When the ocean starts to disappear , I would say .

  17. 全球资本退潮暴露出了危险的裂缝。

    The receding tide of global finance has exposed dangerous cracks .

  18. 退潮后,沙滩上留下许多贝壳。

    Are left on the sand when the tide is out .

  19. 我们坐在沙滩上看退潮。

    We sat on the beach and watched the tide ebb .

  20. 涨潮时带来的东西,退潮时就会被带走。

    The ebb will fetch off what the tide brings in .

  21. 退潮时我们正要去游泳。

    We were about to swim when the tide began to ebb .

  22. 退潮时我们在浅滩挖蛤蜊。

    We dug clams in the flats et low tide .

  23. 海浪涨潮,天天涨潮,天天涨潮,又天天退潮。

    Sea-water tide , day-to-day tide , every-day tide and every-day ebb .

  24. 当工作退潮而去,他在酣甜中渐弱了他的呻吟。

    When job ebbs with his groans fading into slumber .

  25. 黎明时分,海水退潮让各种五彩缤纷的野生动物显露出来。

    At dawn , low tide reveals a colorful spectrum of wildlife .

  26. 退潮时我们能够穿过去。

    We were able to cross when the tide receded .

  27. 我如泡沫般流向退潮的海湾。我在鹅卵石上呀呀学语。

    I bubble into ebbing bays . I babble on the pebble .

  28. 退潮之后,他们就四处去拾贝壳。

    When the tide ebbed , they scattered to pick sea shells .

  29. 退潮时,一只蟹被困留在沙滩上。

    A crab was left stranded on the beach when the tide ebbed .

  30. 正是退潮的时候,他跟潮水一道去了。

    And , it being low water he went out with the tide .