
tuì xiū jīn
  • pension;gratuity;retirement pension;old-age pension;superannuation;retirement pay;retired pay
退休金 [tuì xiū jīn]
  • [pension;superannuation] 在一定条件下(如因为年龄或丧失工作能力)而付与退职者的津贴

退休金[tuì xiū jīn]
  1. 支出削减包括冻结公务员工资并减少退休金。

    The cuts include wage freezes and reductions in retirement pay for government workers .

  2. 近几年,国务院几次发布文件,提高离退休人员的离退休金。

    In recent years the State Council has issued several documents to raise the retirement pay of retirees .

  3. 退休金的多少部分取决于为公司服务时间的长短。

    Size of pension depends partly on length of service with the company .

  4. 基本退休金每周将增加7.95英镑。

    The basic retirement pension will go up by £ 7.95 a week

  5. 工会敦促制定一个退休金方案。

    The union pressed for a superannuation scheme .

  6. 我想谈一谈领取退休金的年龄这个问题,对此我颇有想法。

    I wanted to talk about the pension age . It 's rather a soapbox of mine .

  7. 从那时起他一直领退休金。

    Since then he has been drawing a pension .

  8. 过早的退休即便有优厚的退休金也会导致挫伤和浪费人力。

    Premature retirement even with a golden handshake can well lead to extensive frustration and waste of scarce human resources .

  9. 亨利的公司要他提前退休,不过他能够用他们付给他的退休金归还抵押贷款。

    Henry 's company asked him to retire early but he was able to pay off his mortgage with the golden handshake they gave him .

  10. 他们有贷款、账单、抵押贷款要还清,还要存退休金。

    They have loans , bills , a mortgage to pay off , retirement to save for .

  11. 感谢您最近发来的有关本人退休金的邮件。

    Thank you for your recent email regarding my pension .

  12. 她去公司领退休金。

    She went to the company to draw her pension .

  13. 她每周会跟多达30个男人拥抱,其中包括领退休金的老人和退伍军人。

    She cuddles with up to 30 men a week - including pensioners and war veterans .

  14. 的退休金在支撑这个家其实这不足以支付孩子们的食品和衣服还有学习开销真的是在贫困线上挣扎

    It was their grandfather 's pension that supported the family , not really enough to pay for food and clothes and school supplies for growing boys . The family was really struggling .

  15. 商议婚前协议的时候,夫妻双方通常考虑的都是婚前财务、退休金方案、银行存款以及房产等问题。不过,他们其实也应该考虑一下婚前和婚后养的宠物要怎么处理。

    When considering a prenuptial agreement , couples usually include their thoughts on pre-marital finances , 401K plans , bank accounts and real estate . But they should also discuss what to do about dogs , cats and other animals acquired before and during the marriage .

  16. 此外,她还为自己的401(k)退休金帐户存入了约1000美元。

    On top of that , she stashed about $ 1,000 in her401 ( k ) account .

  17. 德国有高存款率,但是他们的退休金资产只有gdp的14%。

    Germany has a high savings rate but pension-fund assets of just 14 % of GDP .

  18. 此外,《华尔街日报》的这篇报道还称,微软公司(Microsoft)正计划与银湖投资集团(SilverLake)和加拿大退休金计划投资委员会(CanadaPensionPlanInvestmentBoard)联手竞购雅虎。

    And the WSJ reports that Microsoft is looking into a bid for Yahoo with Silver Lake and the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board .

  19. 以SEP,SIMPLE和合格计划(qualifiedplans)三类小企业计划为原型,比较了与不同退休工具结合下不同小企业退休金计划的特征。

    This chapter also compared these different small business plans which come from different prototypes including SEP , SIMPLE and qualified plans with each other .

  20. 在2007年,SSA负责向五千万美国人分发总数额超过五亿八千五百万美元的退休金。

    In2007 , the SSA distributed over $ 585 billion in retirement benefits to50 million Americans .

  21. 经合组织各国的退休金公共支出增长速度要快于国民产出,占gdp的比重1990为6.1%,到2007年上升至7%。

    In the OECD public spending on pensions benefits has been growing faster than national output , rising from 6.1 % of GDP in 1990 to 7 % in 2007 .

  22. 她对意大利总理马里奥蒙蒂(MarioMonti)给予高度赞扬,后者致力于削减退休金成本。

    She has warmly praised Mario Monti , the Italian prime minister , who is committed to cutting the costs of pensions .

  23. ArguelloCatering现有25名员工,沙利文估计自己的退休金中有70%左右都被困在了公司。

    He reckons that about 70 % of his nest egg is tied up in the 25-employee company .

  24. 让每个工作的美国人都能自动拥有个人退休金账户(IRA),这样他们就可以跟在场的各位一样为退休储蓄。

    Offer every American access to an automatic IRA on the job , so they can save at work just like everyone in this chamber can .

  25. 弗雷德•古德温爵士(SirFredGoodwin)把苏格兰皇家银行(RoyalBankofScotland)推进深坑,继而用英国纳税人的真金白银买单走人之后,居然每年还享有70万英镑(折合98万美元)的退休金。

    After Sir Fred Goodwin led Royal Bank of Scotland into a ditch and dumped the bill on British taxpayers , he left with a pension of over £ 700000 ( $ 980000 ) a year .

  26. 50岁的Nit在就业市场上不再具有竞争力,可是到拿退休金的年龄还差整整10年。

    At age fifty , Nit is no longer competitive in the job market , yet a full ten years away from qualifying for senior benefits .

  27. 本周早些时候,HargreavesLansdown曾说,个人退休金的价值自去年开始已缩水了五分之一。

    Earlier this week , Hargreaves Lansdown said the value of personal pensions had fallen by a fifth since last year .

  28. 对美国人民来说,好消息是,401k计划、退休金、养老金和大学储蓄金都在不断上涨。

    the great news for Americans , 401K , retirement , pension , and college savings accounts have gone through the roof .

  29. 将你的投资自动化,申请将工资扣减项自动转帐到401k退休金计划中这样的服务,以便在市场行情不好时仍然持续买进股票。

    Automate your investing , so you keep buying stocks during rough markets , by signing up for payroll deduction into your company's401 ( k ) .

  30. 她的这份报告由退休产品提供者Metlife赞助,该赞助商对超过3000个人进行了调查,称自动注册退休金制度将增加退休金的覆盖范围而非养老金的妥善性。

    Her report , sponsored by retirement products provider MetLife , surveyed more than 3,000 people . It argued that auto-enrolment will increase coverage but not adequacy of pensions .