
  • 网络the chaser;Nemesis;INFINITE
  1. 显然意识到了这一点,飞船决定甩掉追击者而不是以武相争。

    Apparently aware of that , the aircraft is determined to shake its hunters rather than try to fight it out .

  2. 逃跑者-追击者问题是目标跟踪应用的一种,该问题假设在监视区域中存在一组同类目标和一个或几个追击者,要求追击者在最短时间内捕获所有的目标。

    Evader-Pursuer problem is an application based on targets tracking , in which a certain number of pursuers aim to capture a set of targets within minimum time .

  3. 被追击的飞船远比追击者们大得多,但后者在人数和速度上更占上风。

    The aircraft being pursued is far larger than the Decepticons that are chasing it , but the attack vessels have the advantage of both number and speed .