- 网络Iterative Development;Develop Iteratively

In addition to the topics of bug reporting and fixing , I 'll also cover iterative development and feature enhancements .
I summarize RUP core technology as four aspects : modeling based on RUP ; iterative development ; risk analysis and elusion ;
In the course of modeling and developing MBP , we apply the Object-Oriented System Analysis and Design methods and follow the Rational Unified Process ( RUP ) .
Eventually , the DoD realized that the Waterfall method was not working and in1994 replaced DOD-STD-2167 with MIL-STD-498 , which supports iterative development .
Develop iteratively , with risk as the primary iteration driver
Iterative developing method and risk management are discussed .
There are several models for development of the requirements that drive an iterative development project .
This enables a step-by-step iterative development by running playbacks at each step of the process implementation progress .
This would extend the typical developers'model of iterative development to include the requirements specification of the release and its system testing .
Next month , we will conclude this series by examining the effect of adopting iterative and incremental development practices on the project management team .
At the same time , in this system , it has also taken advanced exploiture idea to carry through the process management - iterative exploitation model .
This means that the requirements process needs to be tightly integrated with , and executed to the same timetable of , the iterative development of the solution .
Especially in the process of model creation , iterative type development for complex and massive software system often need different people to cooperate to construct the model in different stages .
Secondly , the surrogate key was set in the data warehouse , which makes the integration of multiple data source simple , improves the speed of data draw-out , data conversion , data load and makes it possible for the iterative development to the data warehouse system .
RUP is a risk-driven , use-case-based , and architecture-centric , iterative software development process .
Iterative Software Development Process Based on UML
Research and Application of Iterative Software Development Based on RUP
Given the complexity and coordination requirements found in many SOA projects , it is not uncommon to see incremental or iterative development practices in use .
Then based on discussion of iterative and increment development method and Unified Modeling Language ( UML ), an UML-based environment for embedded real-time software development is proposed .
Most of the literature on iterative and incremental development focuses on the developer and development team lead .
Iterative and incremental development offers businesses many benefits above and beyond those proffered by the more traditional , waterfall development approaches .
In fact , adopting iterative practices ideally has a profound and lasting impact on all business people involved in the project .
The series will draw to a close next month when we consider the effect of iterative and incremental development on the projects'management teams .
In this article , we focus on what it means for customers when a project chooses to work in an iterative and incremental manner .
The adoption of an iterative and incremental approach by a software development project team profoundly affects the way the customer representative interacts with the project development team .
To achieve the full promise of iterative and incremental development , you must ensure that its adoption will affect more than just the technical and development communities .
Agile development is an incremental , iterative development , which is a kind of speed , quality , cost all taken into account in the development process .
While the impact upon the development team is important , the true value of iterative and incremental development lies in the potential to dramatically improve business results .
In the last article , we defined what we mean by iterative and incremental development and examined what this way of working means to the core development team producing the software .
We will consider these four constituents of the customer perpsective in this article , and how the changes represented by iterative and incremental adoption positively impact the business as a whole .